Currently Available CDs (7)
| Currently Unavailable CDs (215)
2009 - Weill This Is the Life and Other Unrecorded Songs 2009 - Wolf Strauss Rachmaninoff Ives Weill 2009 - Dancing on the Edge of a Volcano 2009 - Unquiet Peace The Lied Between the Wars 2008 - Weill The Rise And Fall Of The City Of Mahagonny / Latham-Konig Silja Schlemm Neumann 2008 - Weill Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) 2008 - Kurt Weill O Moon of Alabama 2008 - Rhapsody By Request 2008 - Salomix Mac In Memoriam Cathy Berberian 2008 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Ezio Pinza Vol 5 2008 - Best of Michel Tirabosco Vol 2 Flte de Pan et Cordes 2008 - Kaddish 2008 - The Golden Age of Light Music Light Music for All Seasons 2008 - Kurt Weill Der Jasager/Down In The Valley 2008 - In My Element 2008 - Berlin Songs of Love and War Peace and Exile 2007 - Lovemusik (2007 Original Broadway Cast) 2007 - Opera Fantasies for Violin 2007 - Brecht-Songs mit Gisela May 2007 - The Broadway Musicals of 1945 2007 - Kurt Weill in America 2007 - Weill Berliner Requiem Vom Tod in Wald Violinkonzert 2007 - Old American Songs 2007 - Classic American Love Songs 2007 - Broadway Unplugged (Original Off-Broadway Cast) 2007 - Youkali - Cabaret and Art Songs by Satie Poulenc and Weill 2006 - Kurt Weill Bertolt Brecht 2006 - Tonight Kurt Weill 2006 - Nino Rota La Strada Weill Symphony No 2 2006 - Lest We Forget A Manifest of Struggle and Hope 2006 - The London Viola Sound 2006 - Pia chante Bertolt Brecht et Kurt Weill 2006 - Heifetz It Ain't Necessarily So 2006 - My Song Goes On 2006 - An Enchanted Evening with Ezio Pinza 2006 - The Broadway Musicals of 1949 2006 - Weill Symphony No 1 Quodlibet Symphony No 2 (Hybrid SACD) 2006 - Experiments on a March 2006 - Brazilliance 2006 - The Best of Mantovani His Orchestra 2006 - Kurt Weill On Broadway - Thomas Hampson John McGlinn London Sinfonietta 2006 - Great Songs from the Broadway Musicals (Box Set) 2006 - Weill Die sieben Todsnden Chansons 2006 - The Exquisite Hour 2006 - Kurt Weill Threepenny Opera The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahogany (Highlights) 2005 - Metropolis Berlin 1927 - 1933 2005 - Weill Concerto for Violin Wind Orchestra Vasks Concerto for Violin String Orchestra 'Distant Light' 2005 - Song of America 2005 - Under the Influence 2005 - Tango in Blue 2005 - Kurt Weill Symphonies Nos 1 2 Lady in the Dark - Symphonic Nocturne 2005 - Kurt Weill 2005 - The Songbooks 2005 - Center Stage Broadway 1947-1958 2005 - Round About Weill 2005 - Music from the Films / Film Encores 2005 - From Another American 2004 - Under the Influence 2004 - Best of lesley Garrett 2004 - Her Greatest Hits (Deluxe Sound & Vision) 2004 - Broadway - The American Musical (PBS Series) 2004 - Legends 2004 - Tom and Evelyn On the Lighter Side 2004 - SWR Music Highlights 2004 - Short Stories A Collection of Romantic Violin Pieces 2004 - Weill The Seven Deadly Sins 2004 - Maestro Mistico (Box Set) 2004 - The Firebrand of Florence 2004 - Gertrude Lawrence in The King I Lady in Dark Nymph Errant 2004 - Firebrand of Florence Live Concert 2004 - Kurt Weill Zaubernacht 2003 - Weill Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny 2003 - Kabarett 2003 - Pure Classics 2003 - Kurt Weill Eternal Road (Highlights) 2003 - Introducing World of American Jewish Music (Milken Archive of American Jewish Music) 2003 - Centennial Concert 2003 - Ich liebe dich nicht Anita Ammersfeld singt Kurt Weill 2003 - Eastside Sinfonietta Don't Be Afraid 2003 - 3 Cents 2003 - Honegger Symphonies 2 3 Pacific 231 / Weill Concerto for Violin Wind Orch wFrank Peter Zimmermann 'Mahagonny' Suite Symphony 2 (Oslo Philharmonic/ Jansons) 2003 - Berthold Goldschmidt Suite Op 5 Roberto Gerhard Concertino Op 12 Weill Symphony No 2 2003 - Die Dreigroschenoper Berlin 1930 2003 - Otto Klemperer 2003 - The Firebrand of Florence 2002 - Dancing on the Edge of Volcano Jewish Cabaret Popular and Political Songs 1900-1945 2002 - Kurt Weill Die Dreigroschenoper 2002 - Weill Happy End 2002 - Kurt Weill Die Sieben Todsnden Mahagonny Songspiel 2002 - Das macht die Berliner Luft Musical City Berlin (Box Set) 2002 - Brecht Weill Songs 2002 - Weill Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) 2002 - Kurt Weill O Moon of Alabama 2002 - From Broadway to Vienna The Musical Goes Symphonic 2002 - Tony Osborne His Piano Orchestra 2002 - Opernsnger einmal anders 2002 - 20th Century Violin Concertos Sonatas 2002 - Soft Lights and Sweet Music 2002 - Cascade of Stars 2002 - Weill From Berlin to Broadway 2002 - There's No Business Like Show Business The Best of Broadway 2002 - The Music of the Night The Best of Broadway 2002 - The 20th Century Album 2002 - Weill Complete String Quartets Hindemith Minimax 2001 - Ultimate Collection 2001 - Americans in Paris 2001 - Thomas Hampson - A Portrait 2001 - Weill Die Dreigroschenoper (Contemporary and Original Cast Recordings) 2001 - The Medinah Sessions 2001 - Classic Julie Classic Broadway 2001 - Lost In The Stars (1949 Original Broadway Cast) 2001 - Kurt Weill Life Love Laughter--Dance Arrangements 1927-50 2001 - Sonatas for cello and piano 2001 - Kurt Weill Der Protagonist 2000 - The Best of Mario Lanza 2000 - Stay Well 2000 - The Collector's The Threepenny Opera 2000 - Kurt Weill from Berlin to Broadway - a selection 2000 - Klemperer Merry Waltz Weill Kleine Dreigroschenmusik Hindemith Nobilissima visione 2000 - Les chemins de l'amour 2000 - Habaneras Milongas Tangos 2000 - The Art of Theodor Uppman Radio Broadcasts 1954 - 57 2000 - Lesley Garrett - I Will Wait For You 2000 - Kurt Weill / Egon Wellesz / Rudi Stephan Works for Violin and Orchestra - Stefan Tnz / Luzerner Sinfonieorchester / Jonathan Nott 2000 - Blessings of Beauty A Classic Collection of Judaic Gems by Kurt Weill Morton Gould Salamone Rossi Billy Joel David Amram and more 2000 - Les Chants d'Eros 2000 - Kurt Weill Die Dreigroschenoper 1999 - Music Love Poems 1999 - Kurt Weill The Threepenny Opera 1999 - Kurt Weill Der Silbersee 1999 - Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weill / Levine Lenya Armstrong Gilford et al 1999 - Weill Songs de L'Opra de quat' sous 1999 - Weill Concerto for violin Op 12 Berliner Requiem Dreigroschenoper Suite Mahaggony Singspiel Happy End Pantomime Death in the Forest Op 23 (1924) 1999 - Lenya Her Complete Recordings From 1929-1975 1999 - The Very Best of Mantovani 1999 - Schnittke Sonata for Violin Chamber Orchestra / Concerto Grosso 6 / Weill Concerto for Violin Wind Orchestra / Takemitsu Nostalghia 1998 - Songs By Jewish Composters 1998 - Centenary Collection 7 1988-1997 1998 - Lenya 1998 - Kabarett Kurt Weill 1998 - Lady In The Dark (1997 Original London Cast) 1998 - Songs I Love 1998 - Bassoonatics 1998 - The Best of Ute Lemper 1998 - Sacred Chants of the Contemporary Synagogue 1997 - Lotte Lenya sings Kurt Weill's The Seven Deadly Sins Berlin Theatre Songs 1997 - Kurt Weill From Berlin to Broadway Vol 2 1997 - 7 Deadly Sins / Symphony 2 1996 - Fascinating Rhythm 1996 - The Singing Apes Other Songs of Love War 1996 - Street Scene (1989 English National Opera Cast) 1996 - Spion - fr en frmmande makt ("Spy") 1996 - Weill Vom Broadway Nach Berlin 1996 - Kurt Weill Vom Broadway Nach Berlin 1996 - Kurt Weill Concerto for Violin Orchestra of Wind Instruments Op 12 / Leonard Bernstein Serenade for Violin String Orchestra Harp Percussion after Plato's Symposium (1924) 1996 - Kurt Weill Ferruccio Busoni and Arnold Schoenberg Matrix 25 1996 - Weill From Berlin to Broadway 1995 - Hanns Eisler Septets 1 2 / Kurt Weill 7 Pieces from The Threepenny Opera / Arnold Schoenberg The Iron Brigade / Christmas Music - Ensemble Stanislas 1995 - Kurt Weill Der Zar lsst sich photographieren (The Tsar Has His Photograph Taken) 1995 - Weill The Threepenny Opera 1995 - Kurt Weill Der Lindbergflug Ballad of Magna Carta Weill Hindemith Der Lindbergflug 1995 - Kurt Weill String Quartet Schulhoff Quartet No 1 Hindemith Quartet No 3 1995 - Kurt Weill Die Sieben Todsnden Mahagonny Songspiel 1995 - Paul Sperry Sings An American Sampler 1995 - Weill Happy End 1995 - Berio Recital I for Cathy / Folk Songs / 3 Songs by Kurt Weill 1994 - Good Vibes For Kurt Weill 1994 - Kiri Her Greatest Hits Live 1994 - Bridges to Bloomington 1994 - No Looking Back 1994 - Weill Die sieben Todsnden Songs 1993 - The Make Believe Brass 1993 - Reference Classics1st Sampl 1993 - MagnifiCathy The Many Voices of Cathy Berberian 1993 - Kurt Weill Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny 1993 - Kurt Weill Die Sieben Todsnden / Songs (The Seven Deadly Sins) 1993 - Little Mary Sunshine 1993 - Ute Lemper sings Kurt Weill Vol 2 1992 - Kurt Weill Das Berliner Requiem / Vom Tod im Wald Op 23 Cantata for Bass 10 Wind Instruments / Concerto for Violin Winds Op 12 - La Chapelle Royale / Ensemble Musique Oblique / Philippe Herreweghe 1992 - Weill Symphonies 1 2 1992 - The Essential Canadian Brass 1992 - Kiri Sidetracks The Jazz Album 1992 - Kurt Weill Silverlake (A Winter's Tale) 1992 - Weill Kleine Dreigroschenmusik / Milhaud La Cration du Monde 1992 - Lucky To Be Me 1992 - Kurt Weill Street Scene (1990 Studio Cast) 1991 - Die Dreigroschenoper Berlin 1930 (The Threepenny Opera) 1991 - Stratas Sings Weill 1991 - The Unknown Kurt Weill 1991 - Kurt Weill Der Jasager Down in the Valley 1990 - Kurt Weill's The Threepenny Opera Original Cast Album 1990 - Theatre Songs 1990 - WeillStreet Scene 1989 - Weill - Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) 1989 - Kurt Weill Der Zar lsst sich photographieren (The Tsar Has His Photograph Taken) 1987 - Weill The Threepenny Opera Perpetual Tango Schoeck Weill Cello Sonaten Weill Recordare / Dallapiccola Canti di Prigionia Masterwork Portrait Kurt Weill Lotte Lenya sings Kurt Weill Berlin American Theater Songs Johnny Johnson (1956 Studio Cast) Robyn Archer Sings Brecht Weill Jazz Songs |