Mass In B minor: Teh FAther Almighty,Maker Of Heaven And Earth And Of All Things Visible And Invisible
Mass In B minor: And In One Lord, Jesus Christ, The Only Begotten Son Of God,
Mass In B minor: And Was Incarnate By The Holy Ghost Of The Virgin Mary, And Made Man
Mass In B minor: He Was Crucified Also Under Pontius Pilate, Suffered, And Was Buried.
Mass In B minor: Adn The Third Day He Rose Again According To The Scriptures, And Ascended Into Heaven
Mass In B minor: Adn I Believe In The Holy Ghost, Lord And Giver Of Life Who Proceedeth From The Father And Son
Mass In B minor: I Acknowledge Baptism For The Remission Of Sins, And I Look For The Resurrection Of The Dead, And The Life Of The World To Come. Amen.
Mass In B minor: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Of Hosts, Heaven And Earth Are Full Of Thy Glory.
Mass In B minor: Glory To Thee, O Lord Most High
Mass In B minor: Blessed Is He Who Cometh In The Name Of The Lord.
Mass In B minor: Glory To Thee, O Lord Most High.
Mass In B minor: O Lamb Of God, That Takest Away The Sins Of The World, Have Mercy On Us.
"I used to turn up my nose at VOX recordings as being not up to par, but not anymore. With the releases over the last few years of performances by the Ama Deus Ensemble, Vox has become one of my favorite labels. This performance of the Mass in B Minor is definitely one of the best and easily worth twice the price.Kevin Deas is one of the best bass-baritones performing today, and the duet, Et in unum, by Baird and Gratis is worth the price of the cd alone. You really can't go wrong with any recording by the Ama Deus Ensemble."
One of my favorites!
pyramidcvv | Western US | 06/07/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love this album! The opening chords still send a chill up my spine when I hear them. The chorus sounds great. This isn't one of those albums where fugal purists make all the other singers drop out so the fugue them can be heard. Instead, everyone gets to sing as loud as they want; fine with me! (It's about time someone let the tenors be heard.) The tempos are REALLY slow (especially the Et Expecto) - just the way I like 'em! Rilling turns the Crucifixus into an emotional catharsis that's truly heart-rending! And choral basses have never sounded so good as these do in the booming octaves of the Sanctus. The orchestra in the end of the Hosanna is sheer exhiliration; none of that choppy playing of the typical period instrument albums. Great album at a great price!"
A Mixed Bach
R. C. Ross | Birmingham | 02/28/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Claiming to be an `authentic' performance the recording was made with a small orchestra using period instruments (3 first violins, 2 seconds, 2 each of woodwind, etc.) and a choir of sixteen voices (four to a section). Whether it's `authentic' or not - who can tell? - it is undoubtedly an odd, uneven performance. The solo singing is generally pleasing. The choir is energetic and vibrant but at times enthusiasm becomes crude and blustering, edgy, even raucous. This is how it may have been in Bach's Leipzig - we know Bach was often dissatisfied with his little choir. Perhaps this is what 'authentic' means!Radu's performance is not without some worthwhile things to tell us about this incomparable and inexhaustible masterpiece. At the price it's worth hearing - it's certainly different."
Good soloists, but that's about it
Virginia Opera Fan | Falls Church, VA USA | 12/08/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I looked forward to hearing this after the rather good performance of Messiah by Maestro Radu. The soloists are very good. Another reviewer commented on the "raucous" quality of the choral singing. That's very apt. What ruins the show for me is the scrappy sounding orchestra. The yappy trumpets are the worst offenders. Spring for a few more dollars and get Gardiner, Leonhardt, etc. They are all better performed. If HIP isn't your thing, consider Karl Richter's very satisfying account on DGG."
Gran interpretaci�n a precio inmejorable
Leopoldo Parra Reynada | M�xico City, D.F. Mexico | 03/16/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Esta versión de la misa en Si menor de Bach es una de las mejores que he escuchado, a pesar de que la sección de trompetas tiene un inicio algo errático en el GLORIA, pero se recupera en el resto de la obra. La voz del bajo Kevin Deas en el ET IN SPIRITUM es una de las más claras que haya escuchado en esta obra, y solo por este segmento bien vale el precio que se paga. Los comentarios de Radu a la obra son muy especializados, fuera del alcance de quien apenas comienza a escuchar este tipo de música, pero de gran valor para el estudioso. Muy recomendable."