Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Hol�! H�! Monsieur l'h�telier!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Hors-d'ouvres de choix!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. C'est tr�s bien de d�ner! Il faut aussi payer!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Les voil�! Les voil�! Les voil�!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Eh! j'imagine que cette belle enfant, c'est Manon
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Je suis encor tout �tourdie
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Attendez-moi, soyez bien sage
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Il vous parlait, Manon?
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Regardez-moi bien dans les yeux!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Restons ici, puisqu'il le faut!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Voyons, Manon, plus de chim�res!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Quelqu'un! - J'ai marqu� l'heure du d�part
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Mademoiselle! - Eh, quoi?
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Ah! parlez-moi! - Je ne suis qu'une pauvre fille
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 1. Nous vivrons � Paris tous les deux!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Pr�lude
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Manon! - Avez-vous peur
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Il ne te suffit pas alors de nous aimer?
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Deux gardes du corps sont l�
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Lescaut, vous montrez trop de z�le
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Je venais d'�crire � mon p�re
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. C'est parfait, on ne peut mieux dire
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Allons! Il le faut! Pour lui-m�me!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Adieu, notre petit table
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. C'est lui! Que ma p�leur ne me trahisse pas!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. En fermant les yeux je vois l�-bas
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 2. Oh ciel! D�j�! - Quelqu'un?
Track Listings (25) - Disc #2
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 1. Voyez, mules � fleurettes
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 1. Choisir, e pourquoi?
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 1. � Rosalinde, il me faudrait gravir le Pinde
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 1. Bonjour, Poussette!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 1. Voici les �l�gantes
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 1. Je marche sur tous les chemins
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 1. Gavotte. Ob�issons quand leur voix appelle
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 1. Et maintenant restez seul un instant
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 1. Je ne me trompe pas, le comte Des Grieux?
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 1. Oui, c'est Manon!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 1. Voici l'Op�ra
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Divertissement. Ballet. Pr�amble. La Pr�sentation - L'Op�ra! Voici l'Op�ra!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Divertissement. Ballet. Premi�re Entr�e
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Divertissement. Ballet. Deuxi�me Entr�e
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Divertissement. Ballet. Troisi�me Entr�e
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Divertissement. Ballet. Quatri�me Entr�e. Non, sa vie � la mienne est pour jamais li�e!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 2. Quelle �loquence, l'admirable orateur!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 2. C'est lui! C'est l'abb� Des Grieux!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 2. �pouse quelque brave fille
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 2. Ah! fuyez, douce image
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 2. Ces murs silencieux
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 2. Pardonnez-moi, Dieu de toute-puissance
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 2. Toi! Vous! - Oui, c'est moi!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 2. Ah! perfide Manon!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 3. Scene 2. N'est-ce plus ma main que cette main presse?
Track Listings (16) - Disc #3
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 4. Faites vos jeux, messieurs, faites vos jeux!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 4. Mais qui donc nous arrive et fait tout ce tapage?
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 4. Faites vos jeux, messieurs, faites vos jeux!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 4. La fortune n'est intraitable
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 4. Un mot, s'il vous pla�t, chevalier!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 4. Ce bruit de l'or
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 4. Au jeu! Au jeu!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 4. J'arr�te la partie!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 4. Le coupable est monsieur
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 4. Oui, je viens t'arracher � la honte
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 5. Manon! pauvre Manon!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 5. Je ne vous trompe pas!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 5. Ah! Des Grieux! - � Manon!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 5. Nous reparlerons du pass�
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 5. Ah! le beau diamant!
Manon, opera in 5 acts: Act 5. N'est-ce plus ma main que cette main presse?
Taken from live performances in Paris in July, 2001, the main draw of this recording will be, for many, Renée Fleming's Manon. Her vocal pre-eminence is never in question, with high notes blazing, the tone sumptuous a... more »nd mannerisms kept in check throughout, but the first two acts of the opera find her curiously understated, and she never quite sounds girlish the way de los Angeles or Gheorghiu do in their recordings. But once the third act begins, she's magnificent: glittering in the Cours de la Reine scene, seductive in St. Sulpice, and tragic near her death. The whole second half of the opera is more effective than the first--taped on different evenings, perhaps? The finest performance here is Marcelo Alvarez's Des Grieux. Not only is it beautifully sung, with boyish charm at first, great passion later, but he's in complete control of the long role, with its soft sensitive singing and its more declamatory moments all in place, and his full, lyric tone is always a joy to hear. Des Grieux is impetuous and intense, and Alvarez gets it all--this is the best Des Grieux on CD, and that includes Alagna, Kraus, and Gedda. A nice, grainy-voiced baritone named Jean-Luc Chaignaud is Lescaut, and a severe-sounding Alain Vernhes sings the Comte des Grieux. The veteran Michel Senechal (singing professionally for 51 years!) shows up in a character role and the rest of the all-French cast, orchestra and chorus, are excellent. Lopez-Cobos leads well, although the lack of energy in the first two acts is still strange. The Alagna-Gheorghiu Manon on EMI remains a favorite, but Fleming is riveting once she gets going and you shouldn't be without Alvarez. --Robert Levine« less
Taken from live performances in Paris in July, 2001, the main draw of this recording will be, for many, Renée Fleming's Manon. Her vocal pre-eminence is never in question, with high notes blazing, the tone sumptuous and mannerisms kept in check throughout, but the first two acts of the opera find her curiously understated, and she never quite sounds girlish the way de los Angeles or Gheorghiu do in their recordings. But once the third act begins, she's magnificent: glittering in the Cours de la Reine scene, seductive in St. Sulpice, and tragic near her death. The whole second half of the opera is more effective than the first--taped on different evenings, perhaps? The finest performance here is Marcelo Alvarez's Des Grieux. Not only is it beautifully sung, with boyish charm at first, great passion later, but he's in complete control of the long role, with its soft sensitive singing and its more declamatory moments all in place, and his full, lyric tone is always a joy to hear. Des Grieux is impetuous and intense, and Alvarez gets it all--this is the best Des Grieux on CD, and that includes Alagna, Kraus, and Gedda. A nice, grainy-voiced baritone named Jean-Luc Chaignaud is Lescaut, and a severe-sounding Alain Vernhes sings the Comte des Grieux. The veteran Michel Senechal (singing professionally for 51 years!) shows up in a character role and the rest of the all-French cast, orchestra and chorus, are excellent. Lopez-Cobos leads well, although the lack of energy in the first two acts is still strange. The Alagna-Gheorghiu Manon on EMI remains a favorite, but Fleming is riveting once she gets going and you shouldn't be without Alvarez. --Robert Levine
"I agree with Robert Levine's statements about Fleming needing to warm into the role, but to me it is only in the very first scene, Manon's entrance, that she seems a bit off. I'm not sure if it is because she is just warming up at the beginning of the opera or if it is her approach the younger more naïve side of Manon that doesn't work for me. She adopts an overly coy quality that just sounds odd and awkward. All the notes are there (even the touched high E in her first aria), and the intentions behind them are clear, but she sounds too "fake" -- like a mature seductress trying to act naïve (which I suppose in a stretch could be a justifiable approach, although it seems at odds with the music). This type of perky girlish simplicity may just be a certain facet of characterization that isn't one of Fleming's strengths as a singing actress. From the duet at Des Greiux's entrance on, she is remarkable. So many details of phrasing and color! Special mention must be given to Fleming in the extremely difficult Cours-la-reine scene, which glitters brilliance and exudes sex appeal. She adds some unique phrasing touches to the "Je marche sur tous le chemin" section. Not too much and not too drastic - she doesn't distort the music, but makes very strong emphasis of Massenet's own meticulous markings in the score. And she executes her interpretation with such control! Her voice just rings with glamour and her two high D's are full, huge, dazzling notes, seemingly held forever.
The tenor Alvarez is very good, but not brilliant. More innate personal charm would help make him a great Des G. I loved the Lescaut of Jean-Luc Chaignaud. This is a singer I'm not familiar with and he is impossibly sexy and suave in the role (with just a hint of the buffoon)."
Great Manons On Record: Renee Fleming
Rudy Avila | Lennox, Ca United States | 08/16/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Another fine Manon. While there are times I find Renee Fleming is only a fab singer because shes' one of the few American opera singers to really make it big and because she really only rides on the success of "echo" performers (I swear there are times she reminds me of such artists as Montserrat Caballe, Elisabeth Schwartzkopf, Beverly Sills, Kiri Te Kanawa and Emmy Ameling). This is not to say shes' a phony. She has great talent and she is unique, but she does hark back to the forementioned singers if you study her technique. Nevertheless, this Manon is finely sung by Fleming. A great thing about this record is the fact its a fine mix of French and Spanish, and that I like!! Recorded at the Paris Opera in 2001, its music is played by French forces and it features two Spanish artists- the conductor himself Jesus Lopez-Cobos and tenor Marcelo Alvarez.
Renee Fleming has never been in more control than she is as Manon. Really, it even surpasses her Rusalka, for which she is more famously known. Rusalka has nowhere near the depth and complexity of Manon. Fleming, with her vast love of opera and her predecessors who sang the role, has a wide range of emotions in her portrayal. She intones every line with technical bravura, graceful French lyricism (she should sing more French roles like the Lucia in French or the Tales of Hoffman heroines or more Massenet heroines or Juliette in Gounod's Marguerite heroine). Fleming has a high gleaming gorgeous top (C's E's) and a nicely developed middle register. As Manon, she is captivating and beautiful. The tenor Marcelo Alvarez is absolutely great as Des Grieux, making use of all his talents from the soft lines to the more bombastic ones. All in all, a great Manon and a must have for Fleming fans. This is quite frankly her best work. I mean that. She may continue to sing Italian roles but she is going to be unsurpassed in French repertoire should she continue or Strauss German roles."
A truly outstanding Manon on every level
The Cultural Observer | 03/08/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Massenet's operas have been particularly lucky on disc lately, but none other is luckier than his Manon. Massenet's heroines usually require sopranos of the highest calibre, and his parts usually defy typification. You can have a dramatic coloratura or a lyric soprano, or you can have what this recording boasts: a soprano dramatico coloratura assoluta who has the goods to sing all the role's intricacies and more. Some of the more renowned singers who have assumed the title role are Fanny Heldy, Bidu Sayao, Victoria de los Angeles, and Beverly Sills. In the recent years, Anna Netrebko and Angela Gheorghiu have had things to say about the role, but no other soprano I believe touches the totality of Manon's character while providing the same degree of technical accuracy and bravura that Renée Fleming has in spades in this recording. Her voice is said by others to be too ripe for the part, but I disagree. Indeed, Miss Fleming has the beautiful voice to give the role the pathos and the sultriness that it needs to make Manon credible, but she adds more to the character to complete a portrayal that is essentially the embodiment of the character. Not a single trick is missed by Ms. get Manon's coloratura with all the high notes intact and secure while basking in the beauty of her voice. True, her first act may not have the girlish charm that lighter voiced soprani have as part of their natural physiology, but her "Adieu, notre petite table" is as glorious as it can be. The second act is even more compelling, and the scenes that follow, especially the St. Sulpice scene, is never bettered by any soprano, before or after. The voluptuous quality of Ms. Fleming's voice is an asset like no other, and she knows how to play it well in this recording. Her last act, when she goes through her gradual decline into her death, is devastating. This is truly the work of a great artist. If Renée Fleming is not considered one of the greatest Manon's in history, I don't know who else would be.
The other asset in this recording is Marcelo Álvarez's definite Lescaut. Not even Nicolai Gedda, Alfredo Kraus, or Roberto Alagna have sung the role so compellingly, and Álvarez gives the role a certain magic touch that makes the chevalier such a great tenor role. His assumption of the part is complete, boyish in the first two acts, dreadfully aware and resentful in the second, wild and tragic in the last. His voice is perfect for it too, and all the dynamic shadings are covered by his excellent technique.
The remainder of the French cast is idiomatically correct and just right. Jean-Luc Chaignaud fits the part of Lescaut like a foil, while Alain Vernhes is dignified as the Comte de Grieux. Jesus Lopez-Cobos may not have the abundance of imagination to say something about the score the way that a Barbirolli or a Beecham could, but everything here is paced wonderfully to give singers the upper hand in this greatest of all French operas.