Werther: Act IV: Et moi, Werther, et moi, je t'aime ! (Charlotte, Werther, & Sophie)
Werther: Act IV: Ecoute bien ! La - bas, au fond du cimetiere (Werther & Charlotte)
Werther: Act IV: Jesus Vient de naitre (Charlotte)
This 1979 recording is nearly as good as international Werther casts get. Though he had the experience and cultivated artistry of a man in his middle years, Alfredo Kraus still had the voice of a young tenor, perfect for t... more »he lovesick, suicidal poet of the title role. Equally refined is the distinctive, full-bodied, beautifully focused voice of Tatiana Troyanos as Charlotte, surrounded by a predominantly French-speaking cast, and conductor Michel Plasson, who has the style down as well as any modern conductor. This recording's only modern rival is the Philips-label set with Frederica von Stade and José Carreras in an even more dramatically committed performance. --David Patrick Stearns« less
This 1979 recording is nearly as good as international Werther casts get. Though he had the experience and cultivated artistry of a man in his middle years, Alfredo Kraus still had the voice of a young tenor, perfect for the lovesick, suicidal poet of the title role. Equally refined is the distinctive, full-bodied, beautifully focused voice of Tatiana Troyanos as Charlotte, surrounded by a predominantly French-speaking cast, and conductor Michel Plasson, who has the style down as well as any modern conductor. This recording's only modern rival is the Philips-label set with Frederica von Stade and José Carreras in an even more dramatically committed performance. --David Patrick Stearns
"Alfredo Kraus was undoubtely the best Werther since the days of Thill and the long-gone French school of singing. On this CD he displays all his virtues. ¡Forget about Carreras and Gedda -they are in another Wertherian league! Plasson knows the score like no one, and it shows. Troyanos is adorable, no less than de los Angeles. One wonders why the record company treated Kraus so bad -he could have been so great as Faust!! (also with Plasson). There are some live recordings (e.g. La Favorita) put to sleep that deserve to be released to enjoy this true gentleman's phenomenal performing on stage. Don Alfredo was able to sing until a few months before his death due to his peculiar technique, and a cerefully selected string of roles, never yielding to the pressure of the media or the producers. The audiences appreciate how he built his career and have sincerely mourned him. Hopefully he will not only be alive on CD, but through the voice of some of his pupils (e.g. Aquiles Machado)"
A Wonderful "Werther"
DWilliams | London | 07/18/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This EMI recording of Massenet's WERTHER is a wonderful interpretation of Massenet's opera. The late Alfredo Kraus (1927-1999) and the late Tatiana Troyanos (1938-1993) are both wonderful as the young poet Werther and Charlotte, the young woman with whom he is desperately in love but can never have. I have listened to this recording all the way through and was captivated by its beauty. Michel Plasson's conducting gives a wonderful feel of Massenet's score. Kraus and Troyanos are vocally excellent and very dramatic, giving us every feeling of the characters' emotions. Alfredo Kraus' rendition of "Pourquoi me réveiller?" is great and it is no surprise why he was accepted has the definitive Werther of his time. The supporting cast are excellent singers and very effective. An added bonus is that the music of Jules Massenet is just so beautiful and gives us an example of the Romantic period that is also not only beautiful, but very educational. (The orchestration even has an alto saxophone included.) Who wouldn't want to listen to this wonderful work?! So far, I think this recording and the other EMI recording with Nicolai Gedda and Victoria de los Angeles are the best recordings of WERTHER available."
Lucky me; I'm thrilled...
R. Gawlitta | Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA | 06/11/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was lucky enough to hear both Kraus and Troyanos sing WERTHER at the Chicago Lyric Opera in the early 70's, when both were at their absolute best. Aside from being perhaps the definitive recording, the memories are indescribable. This recording is marvelous, with Maestro Plasson holding everything together down to the slightest nuance. The two lead singers may have aged since the time I saw them and the time they recorded this, but they are such naturals for the roles that you'd never know. Indeed, the whole scene leading up to Kraus' magnificent "Pourquoi me reveiller", and the ensuing chaos, must be one of the greatest moments of pure musical passion ever recorded. I feel privileged to have this recording in my collection."
No busque otro: Esto es Werther.
Annio | Spain | 09/14/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Francamente estamos ante el mejor WERTHER en estudio de los que podemos encontrar a día de hoy. Es de sobra conocido que ALFREDO KRAUS tiene un dominio absoluto del papel, tanto por diccion como por tecnica y sensibilidad interpretativa. En esta grabación -faltaría más- se revela como el Werther referencial para los tenores de cualquier generacion, secundado por la genial Charlotte de TATIANA TROYANOS, un derroche de sensibilidad y expresión, y por un plantel de secundarios entre los que nos encontramos a grandes figuras de la lirica (Mateo Manuguerra, Jules Bastin, Jean Philippe Lafont, Christine Barbaux o Philippe Landridge) que cumplen a la perfeccion sus breves cometidos. La dirección de MICHAEL PLASSON derrocha esa fuerza del romanticismo francés que caracteriza a la obra por todos lados.
Sin lugar a dudas, una grabacion para disfrutar y de compra obligada.
Si se prefiere una funcion en vivo (siempre con Kraus, un Werther de audicion obligatoria) es preferible la que grabó junto a Regine Crespin, con la Sophie de una debutante llamada Kathleen Battle, antes que la que grabo junto a Lucia Valentini Terrani, pero esta de estudio supera a las dos que menciono."
The "Werther" for modern Francophiles
Joseph A. Newsome | Burlington, NC United States | 03/23/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This recording of Massenet's brooding masterpiece is well-served by the appropriately Francophile conducting of Michel Plasson. Plasson has a dramatic grasp on the score, but he allows the lyrical moments to shine through with searing emotion. As Werther, Alfredo Kraus is peerless in terms of style. Gedda, Domingo, Carreras, Alagna, and Vargas were all much younger when they recorded Werther (Kraus was settling into his fifties), but they all surrender something to the elder tenor in histrionics. The voice retains its erstwhile authority above the staff, and the beautifully "liquid" singing is captivating. Troyanos makes a strong case for her distinct Charlotte (her pronounced vibrato may deter some), but her competition is more stiff with the likes of de los Angeles and von Stade populating other recordings. Still, she sings ravishingly and with steady tone. The supporting cast does not consistently adhere to this high standard, but this is of minimal importance in this protagonist-centered work. A superlative recording. Buy and treasure it--you will never hear another as compelling!"