Matthew Best

CDs Matthew Best performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (7)

2001 - Vaughan Williams - Sir John in Love / Hickox Northern Sinfonia

Genre: Classical
1998 - Simpson Eppur Si Muove For Organ Tempi etc / Coryden Brass Best et al

Genre: Classical
1998 - Menotti - Martin's Lie Five Songs Canti della lontananza / C Burrowes PH Stephen Leggate Opie M Best Hickox - Howarth Martineau (premiere recording)

Genres: Pop, Classical
1997 - Beethoven - Leonore / Martinpelto Oelze Begley M Best A Miles Hawlata Shade - Gardiner

1993 - Vaughan Williams - Serenade to Music Five Mystical Songs Fantasia on Christmas Carols Flos Campi / Sixtieen Soloists Thomas Allen Nobuko Imai Corydon Singers ECO Matthew Best

1993 - Bruckner - Mass in F minor / Booth Rigby Ainsley Howell Corydon Singers and Orchestra Best

1992 - Howells Requiem Take Him Earth for Cherishing / Vaughan Williams Mass in G Minor Te Deum in G

CDs Matthew Best helped create...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1992 - Maurice Durufl Requiem Quatre Motets

Genre: Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (41)

2011 - Bruckner Mass in F minor Psalm 150

Genre: Classical
2010 - Brahms Motets

Genre: Classical
2010 - Mass in D Minor / Te Deum

Genre: Classical
2008 - Rachmaninov The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom

2008 - Benjamin Britten Billy Budd (3 CD)

2008 - Berlioz L'Enfance du Christ

2008 - Igor Stravinsky The Rake's Progress

2008 - Vaughan Williams Choral Works

2008 - Christoph Willibald Gluck Alceste

2008 - Howells Requiem Vaughan Williams Mass in G minor

2007 - Bruckner Mass in E minor Libera me Aequalis Nos 1 2
2007 - Mendelssohn Choral Music
2006 - Beethoven Mass in C Tremate empi tremate Ne' giorni tuoi felici Ah perfido
2005 - Gluck Alceste
2005 - Celebration of the Spirit
2004 - Vaughan Williams Hugh the Drover
2001 - Liszt Missa Choralis / Via Crucis
1998 - Gabriel Faur Requiem Maurice Durufl Requiem
1997 - Tchaikovsky Liturgy of St John Chrystosom
1997 - Beethoven Cantatas Opferlied Meeresstille
1996 - Bruckner Masses Te Deum
1996 - Finzi Intimations of Immortality Dies Natalis
1996 - Cherubini Requiem in C minor Marche funbre
1995 - Berlioz L'Enfance du Christ
1994 - Rachmaninov The Liturgy of St John Chrysostom Op 31
1994 - Vaughan Williams Hugh The Drover or Love in the Stocks
1994 - Villa-Lobos Missa So Sebastio Bendita Sabedoria Magnificat-Alleluia Motets
1994 - Anton Bruckner Te Deum Mass in D minor
1994 - Vaughan Williams Dona Nobis Pacem/Four Hymns/Toward The Unknown Region/O Clap Your Hands/Lord Thou Hast Been Our Re
1993 - Vaughan Williams The Shepherds of the Delectable Mountains
1993 - Vaughan Williams The Pilgrim's Progress A Bunyan Sequence
1993 - Rachmaninov Vespers
1993 - Mendelssohn Choral Music
1993 - Britten Saint Nicolas A Cantanta Op42/Hymn To Saint Cecilia Op27
1993 - Bernstein Chichester Psalms Copland In the Beginning Barber Agnus Dei
1993 - Britten Choral Music Corydon Singers/ Westminster Cathedral Choir/ Best
1993 - Mass in E minor / Libera Me / Aequalis No 1 No 2
1993 - Bruckner Motets
1993 - Faure Requiem Cantique de Jean Racine Messe basse
1993 - Brahms Motets
1993 - Bruckner Requiem Psalms 112 and 114