Love Me Please Love Me - Michel Polnareff, Gerald, F.
Goodbye Marylou - Michel Polnareff, Mariani, J.R.
L' Amour Avec Toi - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
�me C�une - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
Holidays - Michel Polnareff, Debadie, J.L.
Tous Les Bateaux, Tous Les Oiseaux - Michel Polnareff, de Senneville, P.
Le Bal des Laze - Michel Polnareff, Delan�e, P.
�a N'Arrive Qu'aux Autres - Michel Polnareff, Debadie, J.L.
Une Simple M�lodie - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
Je T'Aime - Michel Polnareff, Dreau, J.P.
Mes Regrets - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
Comme Juliette et Romeo - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
Un Train Ce Soir - Michel Polnareff, Debadie, J.L.
La Belle Veut Sa Revanche (Encore et Encore) - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
J'Ai Tellement de Choses � Dire - Michel Polnareff, Debadie, J.L.
Une Femme - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
Je Suis un Homme - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
Qui a Tu� Grand-Maman? - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
Kama-Sutra - Michel Polnareff, Mariani, J.R.
Track Listings (21) - Disc #2
La Poup�e Qui Fait Non - Michel Polnareff, Gerald, F.
Tout Tout Pour Ma Ch�rie - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
Sous Quelle �toile Suis-Je Ne? - Michel Polnareff, Gerald, F.
On Ira Tous au Paradis - Michel Polnareff, Debadie, J.L.
Radio - Michel Polnareff, Dreau, J.-P.
Tam-Tam (L'Homme Pr�histo) - Michel Polnareff, Dreau, J.-P.
Dans la Mason Vide - Michel Polnareff, Auteve, G.
La Michetonneuse - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
Ring a Ding - Michel Polnareff, Debadie, J.L.
Y'a Qu'un Ch'veu - Michel Polnareff, Delande, P.
Voyages [Instrumental] - Michel Polnareff, Delande, P.
N� Dans un Ice-Cream - Michel Polnareff, Debadie, J.L.
Le Roi des Fourmis - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
L' Oiseau de Nuit - Michel Polnareff, Gerald, F.
Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta - Michel Polnareff, G�rald, F.
L.N. A H.O - Michel Polnareff, Mariani, J.-R.
Viens Te Faire Chahuter - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
O� Est la Tosca? - Michel Polnareff, Dreau, J.-P.
Sur un Seul Mot de Toi - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
Elle Rit - Michel Polnareff, Dreau, J.-P.
La Mouche - Michel Polnareff, Polnareff, M.
The ultimate compilation! This release features 41 remastered tracks, absolutely all the essential hits & songs covering the French rock icon's entire career. Barclay Universal. 2003.
The ultimate compilation! This release features 41 remastered tracks, absolutely all the essential hits & songs covering the French rock icon's entire career. Barclay Universal. 2003.
CD Reviews
FOR THE 1966-1971 SONGS
alain robert | ST-HUBERT,QU�BEC | 10/11/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you don't know MICHEL POLNAREFF and consider yourself a FRENCH pop lover,you are missing something.Even if i think that the early songs are his best,i was glad to get this complete overview of his career.POLNAREFF is a precious melodist and his voice is unlike any other FRENCH singer of his generation;it is so delicate in tone that it gets to you after several listenings.He was as influencal musically as GAINSBOURG was,even if their universe was different and SERGE a more prolific composer.The booklet has all the lyrics of the songs which is nice, but no pictures of MICHEL who in his youth had quite a striking ressemblance to CHOPIN.I like the early stuff so much that i made my own cd with those twenty songs because they did not put them in chronogical order.I dig POLNAREFF ever since my girlfriend found out what L'AMOUR AVEC TOI meant and conjugued it for me.Thanks MICHEL!"