Currently Available CDs (12)1990 - Most Famous Overtures 1983 - Tchaikovsky Marche Slav Rimsky-Korsakov Russian Easter Overture
| Currently Unavailable CDs (259)2009 - Introducing Dmitry Paperno 2009 - Legendary Masterworks Recordings Dresdner Philharmonie 2009 - Carnival Symphonic Organ Transcriptions 2009 - Michkil Glinka Una Vita per lo Zar 2009 - Cardio Classics - Orchestral Workout 2008 - Michael Glinka Ivan Susanin 2008 - The Art of Feodor Shaliapin Opera Scenes Arias 2008 - A Russian Romance 2008 - Michael Glinka Ruslan and Ludmila 2008 - The Art of Feodor Shaliapin Songs and Romances Volume 1 2008 - Prima Voce Nicolai Gedda in Opera 2008 - The Anthology of Russian Symphony Music Mikhail Glinka 2008 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Antonia Nezhdanova 2008 - Essential Evgeny Kissin 2008 - The Essential Evgeny Kissin 2008 - Glinka Septet Serenade Grand Sextet 2008 - Simeon Bellison's Arrangements for Clarinet 2008 - Liebesbilder 2008 - L'arome de L'est Harp Music from Eastern Europe Beyond 2008 - Martha Argerich Friends Live from the Lugano Festival 2007 2008 - Nodame Cantabile Special Best 2008 - Learning by Example Series Vol 3 2008 - Kalinnikov Symphony No 1 / Glinka two overtures 2008 - Glinka Septet Serenade Grand Sextet 2007 - Les Choeurs de l'Arme Rouge de Boris Alexandrov Vol 1 2007 - Les Choeurs de l'Arme Rouge de Boris Alexandrov Vol 2 2007 - A Passion for Music (Box Set) 2007 - Stolen Moments 2007 - Russische Orchesterwerke 2007 - Glinka Kamarinskaya Orchestral Dances 2007 - Pnina Salzman Vol 7 Special Commerative Issue 2007 - Borodin Glinka Orchestral Works 2007 - Classical Top 1000 (Box Set) 2007 - Collage A Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Peabody Institute 1857-2007 2007 - Russian Nights (Hybrid SACD) 2007 - Russian Nights 2007 - Music of Mikhail Glinka 2007 - Groe Snger der Vergangenheit 2006 - The London Horn Sound 2006 - A Russian Weekend 2006 - Knappertsbusch Conducts Haydn Mozart Lortzing Glinka Liszt 2006 - Best Classics 100 Volume 2 2006 - Glinka Una Vita Per Lo Zar 2006 - Transfigured Mozart 2006 - Lieder by Rachmaninov Glinka 2006 - Highlights from Russian Operas (Hybrid SACD) 2006 - Concerti Martini Rossi Jurinac Petri Schwarzkopf Barbato Christoff 2006 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Nikandr Khanayev 2006 - Les Chefs-d'uvre de la musique Russe 2006 - Best Loved Operas 2006 - Spread Your Wings 2006 - Glinka Russian Ludmilla Weber Invitation To Dance Liszt Mephisto Waltz Etc (Germany) 2006 - Vocalise Russian Romances 2006 - Romantic Dreams Romantic Evening Music 2005 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Natalia Shpiller 2005 - The Songmaker' Almanac Souvenirs de Venise 2005 - Gallery of Classical Music (Box Set) 2005 - Glinka Overtures Dances 2005 - Short Pieces 2005 - Balakirev Piano Music (Complete) 2005 - Nocturnes (Complete) 2005 - Lebendige Verganenheit Nicola Rossi-Lemeni 2005 - Driving Classics 2005 - The Good Life Famous Classical Overtures Vol 1 2005 - Famous Classical Waltzes Overtures Dance 2005 - Time Life Presents Classical Passion 2005 - Russian Romantic Songs 2005 - Good Life Famous Classical Overtures 2 2005 - Audio Archive Classics Dukas Glinka Chabrier 2005 - Ivan Kozlovsky the Great Russian Tenor 2005 - Glinka Symphony Spanish Overture Music from Prince Kholmsky 2005 - Discover Music of the Romantic Era 2005 - 200 Years of Russian Organ Music - An Anthology (2 CD Box Set) 2004 - Glinka Complete Songs and Romances Vol 1 2004 - The Fibonacci Sequence Harp 2004 - Prima Voce Vladimir Kastorsky 2004 - Hollywood Bowl Concert (1928) 2004 - Tenors of Imperial Russia Vol 2 2004 - Treasures of the St Petersburg State Museum 2004 - The Auer Legacy Vol 2 2004 - Prima Voce Lev Sibiryakov 2004 - Festive Overtures 2004 - The Chaliapin Edition Vol 5 1921-1923 American British Recordings 2004 - Glinka Prokofiev Tchaikovsky 2004 - Ancerl Gold Edition 29 Famous Overtures (WEBER, SHOSTAKOVICH, MOZART, BEETHOVEN, WAGNER, SMETANA, GLINKA, BERLIOZ, ROSSINI) 2004 - Nationalistic Trends During the Romantic Era 2004 - National Anthems of the World 2004 - Russian Fairy Tales 2004 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Ivan Petrov 2004 - Glinka Grand Sextet in E flat Rimsky-Korsakov Piano and Wind Quintet in B flat 2004 - Les Rarissimes de Pierre Dervaux 2004 - Capriece Fantasies Romantic Harp Music of the 19th Century Vol3 2004 - Baby's Look Listen Sleep (includes DVD) 2004 - Ballets Russes Russian Dances and Ballets 2004 - The First Opera Recordings 1895-1902 A Survey Part 2 2004 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Margarete Klose II 2003 - Piano Nocturnes 2003 - Orchestral Spectacular (Hybrid SACD) 2003 - The Art of Jennie Tourel 2003 - Amore sublime amore Tenor Arias 2003 - The Sopranos 2003 - Ultimate Classic Performances 2002 - Great Russian Classics 2002 - 70th Anniversary Special 2002 - National Anthems 2002 - Romantic Trio 2002 - The Russian Opera Album 2002 - The Russian Opera Album 2002 - Der Bote Elegies for Piano 2002 - Great Conductors of the 20th Century Igor Markevitch 2002 - Nicolai Malko 2002 - Classical Heat 2002 - Ultimate Classical 50 Classical Performances 2002 - Panorama Famous Overtures 2001 - Ten Shakespeare Sonnets 2001 - Russia A Golden Century of Song 2001 - English Poets Russian Romances 2001 - Glinka Tchaikovsky Piano Trios 2001 - Sasha Plays Romantic Russian Rarities 2001 - Favourite Encores 2001 - Un Soir Moscou 2001 - The Historic Recordings 2001 - Shura Cherkassky Piano 2001 - Olga Guryakova sings Russian Arias Romances 2001 - Glinka Songs 2001 - Sergej Larin - Romance Western Poets in Russian Music Vol 2 2001 - Glinka Orchestral Works 2001 - A Night at the Ballet 2000 - Shadings 2000 - The Chaliapin Edition Vol 1 1902 - 1908 2000 - Alexander Borodin Grand Trio Mikhail Glinka Grand Sextet Tchaikovsky String Sextet 2000 - Romanze 2000 - Russian Soul for Cello Piano 2000 - Introducing Dmitry Paperno 2000 - Russian Elegy 2000 - Russian Images Vol 2 2000 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Feodor Chaliapin Vol 3 2000 - Elegies for Viola Piano 2000 - Golden Age of Singing Vol2 (1910-20) 2000 - Tchaikovsky The Seasons 2000 - Dawn over the Moskva River Great Russian Classics (Box Set) 2000 - Glinka Life for the Tsar 2000 - Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition (Arranged for Brass Ensemble) 2000 - The Symposium Opera Collection Vol 1 2 2000 - Romances based on Pushkin poems 2000 - The Golden Age of Singing Volume One 1900 - 1910 2000 - Portrait of an Artist 2000 - Classical Fantasy 2000 - Fire Passion in the Classics 1999 - Famous Overtures 1999 - The Hindsley Legacy 1999 - Mikhail Ivanovitch Glinka Ivan Susanin (A LIFE FOR THE TSAR) 1999 - Highlights from Prima Voce 1999 - Russian Images 1999 - Helge Roswaenge 1999 - Sacred Songs of Russia 1999 - Mikhail Glinka Complete Piano Music Vol 3 1999 - Glinka Complete Piano Music Vol 2 1999 - Russian Reveries 1999 - The World of Harp 1999 - Choeurs de l'Armee Rouge - 70e Anniversaire 1998 - Thunder Lightning 1998 - Glinka Complete Piano Music Vol 1 1998 - The Art of the Viola 1998 - Piano Music 1998 - The Great History of Russian Classical Music 1998 - Glinka Songs 1997 - Glinka Ivan Susanin 1997 - Orchestral Works 1997 - Maxim Mikhailov 1997 - Glinka Ruslan And Lyudmila 1997 - Famous Basses of the Past 1996 - Rarities of Piano Music 3 1996 - Greatest Hits The Tsar (Russian Orchestral Favorites) 1996 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Boris Gmyrja 1996 - Uncommon Encores 1996 - Night on the Bare Mountain 1996 - Glinka and Bartok Trios with Clarinet / Mozart Quntet for Winds K 452 1996 - Nezhdanova In Opera Song 1996 - The Great Chaliapin 1996 - Great Singers In Moscow 1996 - Great Opera Overtures Arias (Art Coll) 1996 - Glinka/Rubenstein Viola Sonatas 1996 - Russian Music Anthology 1996 - Mikhail Glinka - Valse Fantasie Three Dances from A Life for the Tsar Two Fragments fr Ruslan and Ludmila Jota Aragonaise Kamarinskaia Memory of a Madrid Summer NIght (HM) 1996 - Taneyev Piano Quintet / Glinka Piano Sextet - Quintet of the Moscow Conservatory (1911) 1996 - Glinka Ivan Susanin 1995 - Russia-Across Steppes 1995 - Discover the Classics 2 (Box Set) 1995 - Harp Recital 1995 - Rachmaninov et Copsiteurs Russes - Adilia Alieva au Piano 1995 - Singers of Russia 1900-1917 1995 - RCA Victor Basic 100 Vol 72- Prokofiev Alexander Nevsky Lt Kije Suite 1995 - Rachmaninov et les compositeurs russes 1995 - Glinka Trio Pathtique 1995 - The Overtures Collection (Deluxe Edition) 1995 - Piano Serenade 1995 - Berhmte Ouvertren und Zwischenspiele 1995 - Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture Borodin Polovtsian Dances Glinka Overture to Ruslan and Lyudmila 1995 - American Orchestra 1995 - Midsummer's Music 1995 - Virtuoso Orchestral Music 1995 - Great Singers at the Mariinsky Theatre 1995 - Russie Eternelle 1995 - Choral Music by Russian Composers (Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff & Others) 1995 - Glinka String Quartet 2 Myaskovsky String Quartet 13 Taneyev Trio 2 1995 - Lebendige Vergangenheit - Mark Reizen 1995 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Feodor Chaliapin 1995 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Helge Rosvaenge 1995 - Helge Rosvaenge Vol 3 1995 - Piano Trios 1995 - Russian Overtures 1994 - Romances of the Russian Masters 1994 - Feodor Chaliapin Song Book 1994 - The Terem Quartet 1994 - The Harold Wayne Collection Vol12 1994 - James DePreist/Malmo Symphony Orchestra 1994 - Very Best of Classical Encores 1994 - 50 Classical Masterpieces 1994 - Russian Romances 1994 - Rimsky-Korsakov Mozart Salieri 1994 - The Complete Piano Music Vol 3 4 Transcriptions and Waltzes 1994 - Sonatas For Flute Harp 1994 - Chamber Music 1994 - Koch International Classics CD Sampler 1 1994 - Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition 1994 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Alexander Pirogov 1993 - Encore Detroit Symphony Orchestra 1993 - Romantic Evening Music for Harp 1993 - Discover The Classics Heroes and Heroines 1993 - Moscow Nights 1993 - Russian Festival 1993 - The Pupils of Liszt 1992 - Tenors Of The Bolshoi 1992 - Prima Voce Chaliapin 1992 - Arensky/Glinka Piano Trios 1992 - Kalinka 1992 - Spanish Festival 1991 - Glinka A Life for the Tsar 1990 - Favorite Russian Spectaculars Polovetsian Dances (Great Performances) 1990 - Die Moldau 1988 - Schwarze Augen CSO Showcase Russian Soul Great Opera Overtures Arias Schubert 200 - Vesselina Kasarova The Best of the Annivesary Releases Plus James Galway Plays Bach Dvorak Piano Trios (Bicentenary) Soviet and Russian Marches Mussorgsky Pictures At An Exhibition Glinka Orchestral Gems from the Opera (Russlan and Ludmilla, A Life for the Tsar)