Currently Available CDs (3) | Currently Unavailable CDs (28)2007 - Major Musical Force With the Leading Artists of 2005 - Christmas Wonderland 2005 - Great Mitch Miller 2004 - Sing Along 2003 - It's So Peaceful in the Country European Holiday 2003 - Star Box Mitch Miller 2002 - Presents Christmas Songs Carols 2002 - Thirty Six Sing Along Favorites Mitch Miller And The Gang 2001 - Mitch Miller - Greatest Hits 2001 - More Sing Along / Still More Sing Along 2000 - Mmmmitch / Music Until Midnight 1999 - Instrumental Gems of the Fifties 1999 - Christmas Songs Carols 18 Favorites 1999 - Holiday Sing Along With Mitch (Exp) 1992 - Favorite Irish Sing-A-Longs 1990 - Christmas Sing Along With Mitch 1990 - Sing Along With Mitch 1985 - Golden Sing-Along Treasury