
CDs Mod performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (18)

2009 - Alias Mod

Genre: Rap & Hip-Hop
2009 - Ministri of Defence

2007 - Red White Screwed

Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock, Metal
2006 - Ministri of Defence

2004 - Dictated Aggression

2004 - Devolution

2003 - Usa for Mod Gross Misconduct

2003 - Loved By Thousands Hated By Millions

1999 - Surfin Mod Rhythm of Fear

1996 - Dictated Aggression

1995 - Surfin Mod
1995 - Usa for Mod
1995 - Rhythm of Fear
1995 - Gross Misconduct
1992 - Rhythm of Fear
1992 - Gross Misconduct
1990 - Gross Misconduct
1990 - Surfin Mod