Product DescriptionOff the top of your head, name five female vocalists - easy! Now name five female instrumentalists - hm, you had to think for a little bit. Now name five female composers - oh no, you?re still thinking, and thinking.... The purpose of paying tribute to a minority group is to raise awareness and to encourage involvement, so paying tribute won?t be necessary anymore in the future. What does that mean? My hope is to showcase the wonderful gifts and special talents of female composers in popular genres with the goal of encouraging more female involvement and having a healthy mix of male and female creations in the future. As human beings, we need the male contributions such as strength, love of adventure, fellowship and the female contributions such as caring, depth of emotion, or endurance to create a healthy, enriching live. Our music needs the same balance - so lift up your voices and get out that music paper - let the sisterhood be heard.