Monty python flying circus essential
voodoochild | long island,us | 07/05/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the 1971 album, but I expected more people to review it , besides expecting a spainish inquisision. For some reason this CD like Previous Record meddled with the running order of sketches, and it's all out of whack. This is the unedited American veesion, because there is an English version, missing the Penguin on the telly and edited Spainish inqusition running noises.
The first time I heard this, was maybe 6 months ago, in the basement on a comfy chair, only the first side. The website doesn't list the playlist, so I'll list it now along with some comments:
Side One:
1.APOLOGIES:What would a Python album be without some sort of apolgies on it?
2.SPANISH INQUSISION:The first time I heard this, I didn't know what the hell was going on. I didn't expect it. But it is, definatley a highlight.
3.WORLD FORUM:Classic sketch, and on of the many communists insults.
4.PHONE CALL/GUMBY THEATURE: First part is very silly. Cummunists jumping into your bath with you, and in your shirt capartment? You better belive it. Gumby Theature you can acuratley predict when I say these seven words:"The Death of Mary Queen of Scots".
5.BOOK AT BEDTIME/NORMAN SINGON PULVORTOR: Another Gumby realated recording. Plus an expected visit from the man who controdicts people. All Python sketches, that are parodies of talk shows are classics!(Interesting people, man who says things in a roundabout way,hisorical impersinations ect.)
6.ARCTICHETURE SKIT/ANOTHER SPAINISH INQUSISION: LOL, look at the Masons,followed by a frightning visit from the Spainish Inquisision.
7.ETHEL THE FROG(Dinzdale):Absolutley great track, that maybe the best on the whole album.
Side Two:
1.THE DEATH OF MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS:Never ending assalt on the Queen. Priceless Python lunacy.
2.PENQUIN ON THE TELLY:LOL. Every time I am reminded of this sketch, at some point recite the intire sketch.
3.YET ANOTHER SPAINISH INQUISISION:Why not have another. Nobody is expecting it!
4.BE A GREAT ACTOR KIT/GAVIN MILLARRRRRRRRRRR:Only weak part of the album, not that funny to be honest.
5.LIVE AT THE FESTIVAL HALL:Hard to imagine, but is funny.
6.SPAM SKETCH: Classic, Python sketch. The TV. version has the extra historian view, and running joke of the Hungarian phrasebook.
7.PUFFY JUDGES: Hard to hear, but if you hear everything you'll probably laugh.
8."STATE or STAKE YOUR CLAIM:Great Sketch with some classic lines:"Says Elephant!","Oh well,this is where my statement falls to the ground"and"You're not fooling anyone MRS. Middleshmidtz".note: This sketch appears in the first German show of python.
9.CANNIBAL SAILORS:There are some quality laughs here.
10.UNDERTAKERS':A few good laughs here.
11.KNEES UP MOTHER BROWN: A short song from the Spainish Inquision.
A fiting ending to a very near perfect Python album. There is no such thing as a perfect album, that isn't a compilation. Well....Maybe Live At Leeds. Anyway, make this your next purchase,even if you can't buy food, you could live off this(feed of the comedy,nudge,nudge.)
Also check out Previous Record,& Matching Tie annd Hankercheif. Too bad Handkercheif is a Cd. Better yet get the record first listen to it a few times, and be freaked out.