Search - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Sandor Frigyes, Janos Ferencsik :: Mozart: Piano Concertos, K246, K365, K242

Mozart: Piano Concertos, K246, K365, K242
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Sandor Frigyes, Janos Ferencsik
Mozart: Piano Concertos, K246, K365, K242
Genre: Classical
  •  Track Listings (9) - Disc #1


CD Details


CD Reviews

A historical record in your hands
SF | Mexico | 06/22/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)

"The Mozart Piano Concerts K.365 and K.242 - for two and three pianos - of this album are historical records. The three very young pianists Kocsis Ranki Schiff and the excellent Ferencsik achieved the best and unsurpassed Mozart interpretation of our times...however at those days due to the cold war, they did not have international diffusion in the early 70's. The best of the Kadosa pupils was Zoltan Kocsis and still is one of the best of the world."