Nick Lowe

CDs Nick Lowe performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (48)

2017 - Nick Lowe and His Cowboy Outfit

Genres: Pop, Rock
2017 - The Abominable Showman

Genres: Pop, Rock
2017 - Nick the Knife

Genres: Pop, Rock
2013 - Quality Street a Seasonal Selection for

2011 - The Old Magic

2011 - Labour of Lust

2009 - Brentford Trilogy

2009 - Quiet Please New Best of Nick Lowe

2009 - Quiet Please The New Best of Nick Lowe

2009 - Quiet Please The New Best of Nick Lowe (Limited Edition, Deluxe CD+DVD)

2008 - Jesus of Cool
2008 - Jesus of Cool
2007 - At My Age
2005 - The Convincer
2003 - Anthology
2002 - Wilderness Years
2001 - Labour of Lust
2001 - The Convincer
1999 - Basher
1998 - Dig My Mood
1998 - You Inspire Me
1995 - Totem Poles Glory Holes / Down in Earthquake
1995 - 16 All Time Lowes
1995 - Party of One
1995 - True Love Travels on a Gravel Road
1995 - Live on the Battlefield
1995 - Jesus of Cool
1995 - Labour of Lust
1995 - The Doings
1994 - The Impossible Bird
1994 - Flashback Cafe 1
1994 - Boxed-Jesus of Cool
1994 - Nick the Knife
1994 - Abominable Showman
1994 - Rose of England
1994 - Wilderness Years
1994 - Pinker Prouder Than Previous
1994 - Nick Lowe His Cowboy Outfit
1990 - Labour of Lust
1990 - Pure Pop for Now People
1990 - Party of One
1989 - Basher The Best of Nick Lowe
1986 - Nick's Knack
Impossible Bird
Poor Side of Town
Sweetheart Love Songs
Untouched Takeaway
Nick's Knack

CDs Nick Lowe helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (4)

2024 - Indoor Safari

Genre: Rock
2006 - A Portrait Of Howard

Genres: Pop, R&B, Classic Rock
2005 - Lowe Profile A Tribute to Nick Lowe

Genres: Country, Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
1992 - Cosmopolitan Vol 5