Search - Nirvana :: In Utero

In Utero
In Utero
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
  •  Track Listings (12) - Disc #1

1993 Geffen release, the band's final studio album with the 7:33 long 'Gallons Of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through The Strip' added as a bonus track that is listed on the back inlay of the jewel case, but is hidden on the disc...  more »


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CD Details

All Artists: Nirvana
Title: In Utero
Members Wishing: 1
Total Copies: 0
Label: Geffen UK
Release Date: 4/3/2001
Album Type: Import
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
Other Editions: In Utero (Clean)
UPCs: 720642453629, 632427573425


Album Description
1993 Geffen release, the band's final studio album with the 7:33 long 'Gallons Of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through The Strip' added as a bonus track that is listed on the back inlay of the jewel case, but is hidden on the disc itself, since the CD scans only 12 tracks. 13 tracks total, also including the alternative hits 'All Apologies', 'Heart- Shaped Box', 'Milk It' and 'Rape Me'. The CD is a color picture disc.

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CD Reviews

The Swansong To A Legend's Brief Blaze In The Spotlight
Busy Body | London, England | 04/23/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Almost three weeks ago, it was ten years since the tragic death of Kurt Cobain. As a dedication, I'm here to write a review of "In Utero," Nirvana's greatest single musical accomplishment in their short lived career as the world's biggest and best rock band on the planet. In those ten years since Cobain committed suicide, the music scene is forever changing and Kurt's music is still as powerful and widely-received as it was in the early 1990's. Nirvana blazed fiercely as the most revolutionary and influential rock act since the Beatles, and before they knew what hit them, the band was over forever on April 5th 1994. The world came to realise this three days later."Nevermind" has made Nirvana the most famous rock band in the world. It was their second album and sold a staggering 18 million copies worldwide. Kurt was tired of the adulation and praise that he received in truckloads, and decided to go back into the studio in 1993 and make an album that would scare off all the cling-ons. Originally titled "I Hate Myself And I Want To Die," the album was released in September 1993 and was called In Utero. It topped the charts on both sides of the Atlantic, and shifted some 6 million copies in America. Critics adored it and I have to agree, this is one of the finest albums of all time."Serve The Servants" opens the album in grand style with a loud and abrasive beat with a wonderful melody. The song's most striking line is, "I tried hard to have a father, but instead I had a dad." This deep-cutting line refers to Kurt's father who deserted him when he was a child. "Scentless Apprentice" builds the album's aggression up even more, in one of the hardest rocking anthems the band ever recorded. This was one of the first times the band all shared writing kudos on a song instead of just Kurt. However, Kurt completely steals the song with his tortured yelp, "Go away!" throughout the chorus. The disturbing and manic verses refer to a book that Kurt read on a murdering perfume psycho. The album's lead single, "Heart-Shaped Box," is up next and easily towers as one of the greatest rock songs ever recorded. The production and vocals are on to top form here, complete with a visually stunning video (based on Kurt's dreams, apparently) and some genius lyrics such as, "Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back." Perhaps the album's most controversial song, "Rape Me," follows. This is easily one of the best songs on the album in which Kurt sings of rape as a metaphor for his emotional torture. The violence contained within the song makes it a song you simply cannot ignore."Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle" is a fantastic song with a subdued intro that just rages out into a massive and loud assault on the ears. The lyrics, the arrangement, the vocals and the instruments are all superb - hell, even the title of the song is genius. "Dumb" is the first truly tranquil song on the album. There are no harsh vocals or lyrics here, everything is laid-back, but underneath lies disturbing images which can be seen through the lyrics, "My heart is broke, but I have some glue. Help me inhale, and mend it with you." The addition of the cello also makes this one of the most beautiful songs you are ever likely to hear, even if it was three years old at the time of this album's release. "Very Ape" is perhaps the worst song on the album, but it doesn't even last two minutes so it doesn't really matter. It's still a good composition, however, but serves as more of an interlude. "Milk It" is one of the best songs on the album and has some amazing lyrics. I love the way Kurt screams his chorus, "Doll steak! Test meat!" which is then followed by "Look on the bright side is suicide. Lost eyesight I'm on your side. Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing. Lack of iron and/or sleeping." Here so much can be deciphered about Kurt's tumultuous state of mind at the time of writing and recording."Pennyroyal Tea" is an extremely heartbreaking song, not so much for the lyrical content, but in the way Kurt almost cries his chorus with so much emotion and the instrumental halfway through. A fantastic song, and an utter classic. "Radio Friendly Unit Shifter" is one of my favourite songs on the album, despite what others may think. I love the way it starts off, so loud and shocking, before breaking out with a twisted and head-banging beat that only gets better as the song continues. Kurt's vocals are so full of hate towards himself and the way he keep questioning "What is wrong with me?" is just almost unlistenable. "Tourette's" is the funniest track on the album. The title of the song is a condition which causes people to suddenly blurt out any noise or cuss-word that comes to mind, and suddenly we have Kurt just screaming and babbling a load of nonsense, but of course, in the best way possible. And then the album finally closes with "All Apologies." One of Nirvana's finest ever songs, it represents a man so hard on himself it makes almost unbearable listening.OVERALL GRADE: 10/10So it's 10 years since the death of one of rock's biggest icons. Kurt Cobain became a legend upon his death, and why shouldn't he? He was a true genius who didn't realise his full potential before it was too late. Maybe we didn't realise his full potential. Who knows what he'd have gone on to do if he hadn't have been so stupid to commit suicide? Nevermind was awesome, this is ever better. Buy it now to realise just why. R.I.P. Kurt Cobain. 20th February 1967 - 5 April 1994."
Forgive me, I was wrong
T. Tiraterra | Davis, CA | 11/14/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)

"A couple years ago, I had a different account, and I used it to go in and bash Nirvana albums. I had never actually heard most of them (my reviewing standards were somewhat lower back then), but I thought that since I was a Pearl Jam fan that I had to hate Nirvana. Yeah, the 16-year old mind is a strange one. One day I actually got to listen to "In Utero" and I immediately realized how wrong I had been. I now consider "In Utero" to be one of the best rock albums of the 90's. I write this review partly to say I'm sorry for previous Nirvana reviews I have posted.The album is front-loaded with radio singles, probably a decision of their record company. However, it is immediately striking as a darker and more complex album than their previous "Nevermind". It is much heavier as well, and less pleasing to the mainstream masses. And wow, how it's all so terrific.It's disturbing in many ways because it's difficult not to view this as Kurt Cobain's suicide note- he mentions it explicitly on "Milk It" and often talks about death and despair. However, that man was a true songwriting genius. The lyrics flow together beautifully, and power the music forward. "In Utero" works as an adrenaline rush as well, since most of the songs rock as hard as any of their other grunge peers.The album probably gets most interesting around the halfway mark. Don't get me wrong, I love "Serve the Servants", "Rape Me", and "Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle", but I believe that it's most interesting to pay attention to what happens after the album's more commercial first half. It becomes almost downright nihilistic around "Very Ape" and descends into guitar screeches and wails that cumulate in the "Radio Friendly Unit Shifter/Tourette's" duo. This was truly an artist in pain, and yet his songs still remain hauntingly poetic. Everything wraps up with "All Apologies", which I still find myself getting into all these listens later. That was probably the best song Nirvana ever did.After hearing "In Utero", I always have a feeling of sadness because the album just leaves you begging for more, which you know you can't have. I believe that this is the best example of great Nirvana, both in Cobain's songwriting and how hard the music rocks. I only wish they could have gone on longer."
Like fine wine -- it improves with age
Sal Nudo | Champaign, Illinois | 07/01/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)

""I miss the comfort in being sad," Kurt Cobain grovels harshly on the excellent mid-tempo rocker, "Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle," a sparse and raw tune that typifies the overall sound of "In Utero." Cobain and company establish a rougher-edged sound right away on "In Utero," rawer than the previous Nevermind album, though not as raw as the band's debut, Bleach, perhaps somewhere in between. The chorus to "Serve the Servants," the opening song, is as catchy as any previous Nirvana tune, just somewhat more plodding and low key. Inescapable from this great disc is the slower, thicker, even woodsy sound that may not grab a hold of listeners like the previous album so overwhelmingly did.

Future Foo Fighter Dave Grohl contributes the over-the-top Sabbath-like riff to "Scentless Apprentice," as Cobain howls the chorus meant to scare all his fans away. Needless to say, this is not a happy album. The lyrics are cynical, isolated and sad, though there are tiny moments of inspiration. The dark feel to "In Utero" was likely created in response to "Nevermind's" sparkling, rip-roaring introduction into the 1990s that sounds highly fan-friendly in comparison. The slow-paced "Dumb" from "In Utero" perhaps could have been a radio hit, but the lyrics are simply too depressing, probably best left for true Nirvana fans; the same holds true for the Pollyesque "PennyRoyal Tea."

On the faster side of things, "Very Ape" is a catchy and vibrant rocker that reveals Cobain's belief in reincarnation. "Milk It" possesses the incomparable formula that Cobain made famous and classic -- start soft and then knock listeners over later with a huge screaming chorus. No one else could properly replicate or match that formula, though too many bands tried. For my money, "Radio Friendly Unit Shifter" is the album's top song; listening to Cobain grovel "What is wrong with me?" over and over seems to fit the tone of "In Utero." "Tourette's" is as quick and punk as it gets, a properly named ditty that comes and goes before you know what hit you.

Kurt Cobain was simply incapable of writing bad songs or screwing around with fluffy music. He left this world a winner, making "In Utero" on his own terms. It's truly a guitar, bass and drums rock album -- no extra frills like backup singers, keyboards, overly used strings or an extra rhythm guitar to mix with Cobain's lead. There are no trappings of the rich and famous rock band overdoing things in the studio. As far as the recording, Steve Albini did a great job getting the raw sound Cobain requested, with no extra juice to the vocals. Additionally, Dave Grohl's drums throughout the record are thumping and fantastic.

No disrespect meant, but Cobain was far from a man at peace with himself and the world. "In Utero" is not for the faint of heart or for people who want Nirvana spoon fed to them. Yet, if you want to hear truly genuine, no-nonsense music that is more riveting each time you sink your teeth into it, give "In Utero" a try.

"Find your place/speak the truth." -- Kurt Cobain on "Radio Friendly Unit Shifter""