Ocean Colour Me More
(5 out of 5 stars)
"O.C.S. is one of those bands that seem to grow with each recording, often misaligned by the press, the band pulls another facet of their unique mix of 60's retro, and rock. The vocal are superb, and the music crisp with something for everyone. Even as a discovery album, this will open a few eyes and hearts to the band, yes there are a couple of tracks here that I dont like.... but on the whole the album is a well crafted one, reflecting all of the bands talents....... Shes Been Writing, The Song goes on, North Alantic Drift, Make The Deal. Stand out for me anyway. Yes its a import for the US, but worth it in my opinion $$ well spent. In the meanwhile Im off to play the other OCS albums I have, Very Very Very Loud."