Quiero Hablar Contigo - Omara Portuondo, Puebla, Carlos
Te Quer�a - Omara Portuondo, Vera, Alberto
Libre de Pecado - Omara Portuondo, Guzm�n, Adolfo
Campanitas de Cristal - Omara Portuondo, Hern�ndez, Rafael
Nosotros - Omara Portuondo, Junco, Pedro
C�mo Es Posible - Omara Portuondo, Miranda, Concha Val
Vieja Luna - Omara Portuondo, DeLaRosa, Orlando
Confidencia de Amor - Omara Portuondo, Lambida, Genaro
No Te Quejes - Omara Portuondo, Navarro, Olga
Le Dije a una Rosa - Omara Portuondo, Gonz�lez, Virgilio
Y T� Qu� Has Hecho - Omara Portuondo, Delf�n, Eusebio
La �ltima Noche [Bolero Ch�] - Omara Portuondo, Collazo, Bobby
Track Listings (15) - Disc #2
Obertura - Omara Portuondo,
Hasta Siempre - Omara Portuondo, Puebla, Carlos
Veinte A�os - Omara Portuondo, Vera, Mar�a Teresa
Interludio - Omara Portuondo, Luz, Cesar Portillo
Es lo Que Me Queda por Vivir - Omara Portuondo, Vera, Alberto
L�grimas Negras - Omara Portuondo, Matamoros, Miguel
Y S�lo T� y Yo [Bolero Ch�] - Omara Portuondo, Piloto
All� - Omara Portuondo, Flores, Pedro
Vuela Pena - Omara Portuondo, Vidal, Amaury P�rez
Me Acostumbr� a Estar Sin Ti - Omara Portuondo, Almeida, Juan
Canci�n de un Festival - Omara Portuondo, Luz, Cesar Portillo
Gracias a La Vida - Omara Portuondo, Parra, Violeta
Porqu� Dudas - Omara Portuondo, M�ndez, Jos� Antoni
Y Tal Vez - Omara Portuondo, Formell, Juan
Un Ratico M�s No Importa - Omara Portuondo,
This Double CD, "Lagrimas Negras (Black Tears), Canciones Y Boleros", is the Result of an Interpretive Creation Full of Feeling, Intimacy, and Naturalness. Portuondo Preferred to Join Together Those Ingredients and Not Oth... more »ers: She Returned to the Latin American Popular Classics to Violeta Parra, to Virgilio Gonzalez, to Alberto Vera, to Eusebio Delfin- with a Difficult to Imagine Ensemble Consisting of Enriqueta Almanza's Piano and that of the Great Ruben Gonzalez, Richard Egües's Flute, the Bass of "Cachaito", Or the "Greco" and the "Guajiro" Mirabal's Art in Unraveling the Mysteries of the Brass Instruments, in Addition to Amadito Valdes's Paila with Afrocuban Rhythms and the Tasty Percussion of Hernan Cortes, Roberto Garcia, and Osvaldo Rodríguez, Without Forgetting Martin Rojas's Magnificent Guitar.« less
This Double CD, "Lagrimas Negras (Black Tears), Canciones Y Boleros", is the Result of an Interpretive Creation Full of Feeling, Intimacy, and Naturalness. Portuondo Preferred to Join Together Those Ingredients and Not Others: She Returned to the Latin American Popular Classics to Violeta Parra, to Virgilio Gonzalez, to Alberto Vera, to Eusebio Delfin- with a Difficult to Imagine Ensemble Consisting of Enriqueta Almanza's Piano and that of the Great Ruben Gonzalez, Richard Egües's Flute, the Bass of "Cachaito", Or the "Greco" and the "Guajiro" Mirabal's Art in Unraveling the Mysteries of the Brass Instruments, in Addition to Amadito Valdes's Paila with Afrocuban Rhythms and the Tasty Percussion of Hernan Cortes, Roberto Garcia, and Osvaldo Rodríguez, Without Forgetting Martin Rojas's Magnificent Guitar.