| Theodore Morrison, Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings (Members), James Kibbie Organ and Choral Music by Theodore Morrison Genre: Classical
Track Listings (21) - Disc #1- Sing for Joy!, for chorus & organ
- Organ Sonata: I. Broad and Festive, Assertive
- Organ Sonata: II. Gently Moving
- Organ Sonata: III. Scherzo: Lively
- Organ Sonata: IV. Rather Slow
- Organ Sonata: V. Rondo: Vigorous. Driving
- Easter Joy, rhapsody for chorus & organ
- The Gifts of the Spirit, variations on Veni Creator Spiritus for organ: Theme: The Gift of Prophecy
- The Gifts of the Spirit, variations on Veni Creator Spiritus for organ: Var. 1: The Gift of Wisdom
- The Gifts of the Spirit, variations on Veni Creator Spiritus for organ: Var. 2: The Gift of Knowledge
- The Gifts of the Spirit, variations on Veni Creator Spiritus for organ: Var. 3: The Gift of Faith
- The Gifts of the Spirit, variations on Veni Creator Spiritus for organ: Var. 4: The Gift of Healing
- The Gifts of the Spirit, variations on Veni Creator Spiritus for organ: Var. 5: The Gift of Miraculous Powers
- The Gifts of the Spirit, variations on Veni Creator Spiritus for organ: Var. 6: The Gift of Speaking in Tongues
- The Gifts of the Spirit, variations on Veni Creator Spiritus for organ: Var. 7: 'The Fruits of the Spirit' (Chaconne)
- Unto Us A Child Is Born, Christmas cantata: I. Rorate celi desuper
- Unto Us A Child Is Born, Christmas cantata: II. Synarris, be glaid
- Unto Us A Child Is Born, Christmas cantata: III. All clergy
- Unto Us A Child Is Born, Christmas cantata: IV. Celestiall fowlis
- Unto Us A Child Is Born, Christmas cantata: V. Now spring up flouris
- Unto Us A Child Is Born, Christmas cantata: VI. Syng, hevin imperiall