Search - Yuriy Kornilov - trumpet soloist, Danielle Economy - violin soloist, Kiev Philharmonic :: Outside the Box (CD & DVD)

Outside the Box (CD & DVD)
Yuriy Kornilov - trumpet soloist, Danielle Economy - violin soloist, Kiev Philharmonic
Outside the Box (CD & DVD)
Genres: Pop, Classical
  •  Track Listings (13) - Disc #1

Interesting title, and one that is highly appropriate. Robert Ian Winstin?s compositional output seems to defy categorization. At times he is blatantly neo-classical, as in his "Symphony #5" (?Symphony of Song?), and in ot...  more »


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Album Description
Interesting title, and one that is highly appropriate. Robert Ian Winstin?s compositional output seems to defy categorization. At times he is blatantly neo-classical, as in his "Symphony #5" (?Symphony of Song?), and in other works, even from the same compositional era, he seems to flaunt convention, as in his very interesting ?music history? work "Opening Night Overture", and writes completely Out of the Box. In fact, nothing about Winstin?s work, or life, for that matter, could claim to be ?within boundaries?. A distinguished composer and conductor, well respected by professional peers throughout the world ? and, yet, he spends a tremendous amount of conductor. (He claims it "energizes him and keeps him fresh". It also "needs to be done?why in the world would you want your child to have a bad conductor?") He travels weekly between the Mid-West and the East Coast, partly to work with the two youth orchestras he founded, and partly to spend time with his wife and step-children. In between, he sandwiches outside concert appearances, recordings (of which he does a lot), community activism (he is the former Chairman of the Arts Commission in Illinois) and composing. He once quipped, in an interview on Public Radio, that he did his best work in public libraries and on airplanes. He shuns the usual commissions in favor of more ?interesting?, and often less financially rewarding, compositional opportunities. And, he seems to revel in all of this with his performance style that often has him joking with the audience from the podium and encouraging applause between movements ("It?s okay to clap when you think we?re doing a great job?we do ask that you spare us the spoiled tomatoes when you think the opposite!") ?an almost sacrilegious behaviour in the very conservative field of classical music. Of course, none of this should come as a surprise to an audience member as they watch the six-foot-three, stocky ("I?m slightly plump") Winstin take the stage with his shock of long hair (a ?long-hair? in long haired music) and an over-sized, almost all grey, goatee. It should be obvious from the beginning that he is going to be coloring outside the lines.

CD Reviews

(5 out of 5 stars)

"This CD is Boffo!What a great find - a CD AND DVD in the same package. I have heard Winstin's music before on NPR and at a concert in San Francisco a few years ago and found myself intrigued by this composer and performer.I am glad to see Winstin's music recorded by top-rate orchestras. I loved the Scherzo Burlesque and the Trumpet Concerto. The highlight, though, was the recording of Winstin's very moving "Spirituals for Violin and Orchestra" with the young violinist Danielle Economy.This is a "Masterwork" (Winstin conducts the "Masterworks of the New Era" recordings) in the biggest sense. I can't imagine anyone not wanting to play the thing - it is so "American" sounding, yet not beholden to the past.Economy's playing is at times brilliant - it is obvious why she was picked for this recording.The DVD titles are fun and help understand what Winstin is all about.I give this title FIVE STARS."
Must Have
Katie Boundy | Mt. Prospect, IL USA | 07/15/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)

"This collection has one of the standard best orchestras in the world but also brings in fresh talent in the young violin soloist on Winstin's "Spirituals". Of course this collection brings out the best of the eclectic content that is the norm for Winstin's productions, as well. It is absolutely a must have. Every type of music lover will enjoy some aspect of this fabulous collection!"