Search - Ozzy Osbourne :: Scream

Ozzy Osbourne
Genres: Pop, Metal
  •  Track Listings (11) - Disc #1

Scream is Ozzy Osbourne's first album in three years and 10th studio album overall. The album was produced by OZZY and Kevin Churko, both of whom did the same honors for OZZY's 2007 worldwide million-seller Black Rain, the...  more »


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CD Details

All Artists: Ozzy Osbourne
Title: Scream
Members Wishing: 5
Total Copies: 0
Label: Epic
Original Release Date: 1/1/2010
Re-Release Date: 6/21/2010
Genres: Pop, Metal
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
Other Editions: Scream, Scream
UPC: 886973611326


Product Description
Scream is Ozzy Osbourne's first album in three years and 10th studio album overall. The album was produced by OZZY and Kevin Churko, both of whom did the same honors for OZZY's 2007 worldwide million-seller Black Rain, the album. The multi-platinum, Grammy Award-winning, Rock and Roll Hall of Famer recorded most of the album at his Los Angeles home studio, The Bunker, and co-wrote all the songs, primarily with Churko. Notably, the album marks the first appearance of OZZY's new guitar player, Gus G. OZZY's band also features bassist Blasko, drummer Tommy Clufetos and keyboardist Adam Wakeman.

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CD Reviews

Ozzy's New CD Is Good
J. Hill | South Charleston, WV | 06/23/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)

"The title of this review might not sound too enthusiastic, but I've been listening to Ozzy for about 25 years, and while I'm not going to hype this CD and say it's the best thing I've heard since whatever previous album, I do like it quite a lot and think it has merit. Some fans bash any modern Ozzy music, but a lot of things on Scream sound great, and even though it might not be perfect, and even though it might not even be a masterpiece, I know I'll be listening to it many, many times in the next few weeks and months.

In my opionion, here's what is positive about Scream:

--The music. I've always been a fan of older Ozzy music, and this has some elements of that sound. For example, every song boasts great leads, and Gus G does a tremendous job overall. The quality of songs on the last few Ozzy albums has been inconsistent, but Scream has ten solidly structured songs with choppy, sometimes thrashy metal riffs, the already mentioned excellent leads, and just a feel of quality musicianship (again, for the most part). Several songs remind me of Ultimate Sin-era Ozzy, which is a great thing for me, because that was a classic 80's metal album that wasn't a fan favorite at the time (although Ozzy's highest-selling solo album up until then), but can be appreciated fully now over two decades later.

--Ozzy's vocals. The first song, Let It Die, threw me a little, because Ozzy's vocals in the verses have effects on them and aren't that great. But then, from Let Me Hear You Scream on to the end, I was pretty damn impressed. Ozzy's voice is sometimes vintage-sounding, but mostly just strong, clear, and catchy, which is vintage in itself. I think he sounds better than on Black Rain, and less commercial than on Ozzmosis or Down to Earth.

--Diggin' Me Down, Soul Sucker, Time, and others. I don't see how any long-time Ozzy fan could not like Diggin' Me Down, one of the heaviest tracks on an Ozzy album in awhile. Soul Sucker was supposed to be the title track, and I think it's a great song. People just got confused over what it was supposed to mean (as in, "I'm Gonna Git You, Sucka!"). I didn't think I'd like Time at first, but it really builds and ends up being pretty memorable. It might be a sleeper to end up as a favorite. All of the other songs are pretty good, too; these just stood out after the first listen.

--Metal. This album sounds more like real heavy metal than the more modern metal-rock that Ozzy's been doing for years. And while I've liked Ozzy's last few albums, I'm a metal fan first and foremost, so it's great to hear Ozzy's voice behind music that sounds like good, hard metal. Gus G sounds incredible on this, and he's clearly distinct from Zakk, Jake, and Randy. And even though he didn't do any writing for Scream, he undeniably put his imprint on the songs, and he plays with a lot more fire than Zakk did on Black Rain.

That said, I'm about done. I don't have much negative to say here, other than the fact that this won't top Blizzard, or Diary, or Bark at the Moon. So what? If new Ozzy sounded like crap, I'd say hang it up, but if I've been listening to him for 25 years, and I still think his new stuff sounds good, then what the hell? I'm not giving him five stars out of sympathy; this is a good new metal album that's not perfect, but is well above average. Thanks Ozzy for solo album number 10. I hope you keep Gus G and let him help write number 11."
The Ozz Man Screameth!
N. | Texas | 06/25/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Say what you will, but since I bought this, I haven't wanted to listen to anything else. I love it! I buy lots of music and nothing has really excited me this much in a while. I love the heavy menacing sound, the beat, and Ozzy's voice. This is not Ozzy best effort, but for me it's better than anything else I've heard lately.

I have been an Ozzy Fan for about 40 years. I remember hearing the first Black Sabbath album and was just blown away by their sound. To those who say Ozzy doesn't have a strong rock voice, I want to say "Really!" To me Ozzy has probably the most definitive rock voice of anyone. As teenagers, me and my friends loved how "tough" his voice sounded. I understand people being fans of Zakk Wylde, I am too, but if I had my way he would have never left Tony Iommi, so we would have missed out on Randy Rhoads, Zakk, and many others. I think Ozzy has earned the right to pick out his own guitarist, he has done an excellent job over the years.

The Dark Prince returns to the land of Ozz
George W. Robbins | Niagara Falls, NY | 06/26/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)

"A longtime Ozzy fan since 1981, this last decade has been filled with mixed emotions about the rise and fall of Ozzy's career. After decades of cementing himself as a whirlish maniacal frontman in front of millions, Ozzy abandoned his persona for the fame of fortune of mainstream television. His albums as of late most notably Black Rain, were more commercially driven and less the Prince Of Darkness we grew to love. The odd parting of a great player Zakk Wylde was handled poorly. However, for now at least the Ozzy of old has come back for his latest release Scream. It's about time Ozzy, welcome back. Scream tackles some familiar themes like the state of the world, but some poignant lyrics about mortality, and calling out Jesus for his abscence in these times.

1. Let It Die - i rolled my eyes at first but this track grows on you. What saves this song is the melodic chorus. This song kicks in nicely at about 4:20 seconds but too late. The lyrics are usual Ozzy fare, dealing with fame, naysayers, state of the world, and I'm here and not going away. Score 7.0/10

2. Let Me Hear You Scream - I first thought this was just a continuation of Black Rain's Never Gonna Stop. This song is meaner and nastier especially in Ozzy's awesome video. The vid makes the tune but difficult to tell Gus from Zakk on this one though. Its decent for a first single but there are several better to come.


3. Soulsucker - some of you will absolutely hate this song but there is a reason Ozzy wanted to name the cd this title. Ozzmosis comes to mind when hearing this song. It has a Sabbath heaviness and another awesome chorus from Ozzy. This song will stick in your head like it or not. Don't say I didn't warn you lol.

Tempo kicks it up at 2:45 and Gus rips a dizzying tapped lead. "I'm just a solitary man who wants to live a quiet life before when I cease to exist

I don't need resistance for the things I can't control. Just turn away and let it go, yeah" "Soul soul soul SUCKER"


4. Life Won't Wait - Ozzy slows the pace a bit for this power ballad about mortality. Seems poignant and strangely enough makes me think of Ronnie James Dio. Good tune that reminds one of See You On The Other Side from Ozzmosis. Heaviness kicks in at 3:00 and another solid solo from Gus.


5. Digging Me Down - don't be fooled by the nu-metal name kids. Best Ozzy tune in YEARS. Strarts off like Diary Of A Madman but then goes Sabbath on steroids. Ozzy's best lyrics concerning the abscence of Jesus during a critical time in the existence of man. Another great chorus from Ozzy and some heavy riffing from Gus. Tommy literlally beats the hell out of his drums and Blasko adds to the sonic assault. "Where are you Father? Why don't you save us? The fallen are dying alone.

How can you shut off their cries? Ignore a new genocide? So come on, Jesus, We're all here waiting just for you!"


6.Crucify - a solid rocker from Ozzy here that conjured the era when he was a badass. Basically Ozzy insinuates he is the devil befriending and stealing your soul imo. Gus sounds a lot like Zakk on this solo, almost identical. Could also apply to the government as of late ;)


7. Fearless - another dark rocker with lyrics similar to Crucify. It's a decent song but not exactly filler. Gus sounds too much like Zakk again on this tune.


8. Time - love this song. This and "Digging" will battle for best song on the album.

Starts off in typical Ozzy ballad form the last few years but this song kicks in at the chorus and doesn't relent. Another song that will stick in your head. Reminds me of Dreamer from Down To Earth but much better. The background vocals sound corny at first but it fades. Another song about life and our short time on this earth. Great solo.


9. I Want It More - another up tempo rocker and a good one. Solid chorus and lyrics about being careful what you wish for. A sample "Inch by inch over old bones, Shaking hands with the dead souls, You make your deal and the weight grows, Anything to get what you want ". Fame and fortune and the hard work behind the scenes.


10. Latimer's Mercy - ...true story about Robert Latimer who killed his own daughter who had cerebral palsy, while the family was away at church. He claims he did it out of mercy, because she was going through such painful seizures, and he just couldnt bear seeing her in pain. A decent rocker but nothing special here.


11. I Love You All - We have heard this before but reportedly this is Ozzy's final 1:01 second sendoff for the fans. Lyrics "We all must stand together now And one by one we fall, For all these years you stood by me God bless.I love you all."

8/10 a nice sentiment for the loyal Ozzy fans.

Overview, a very good Ozzy release that will appease some older Ozzy fans and make maybe a few new ones. Much improved over Black Rain and it grows with every listen. Seems like Black Rain 2 at first but this album is darker and more complex. If it is Ozzy's last it doesn't fix his legacy the last 10 or so years but it does make you yearn for one last great Ozzy record. Let the brilliant Gus G write his own material, he sounded way too much like Zakk Wylde.

final score 4 stars
