| Patrick Delcour; Luc Devos; Sarah Kuijken Georges Antoine: Mélodies Genres: Pop, Classical
Track Listings (20) - Disc #1- Un grand sommeil noir (A great dark sleep), for voice & piano
- Chanson d'automne (Autumn song), for voice & piano
- Ce mois de mai (This month of May), for voice & piano
- Rondel (Roundelay), for voice & piano
- Le ciel est par-dessus le toit... (The sky, up above the roof), for voice & piano
- Clair de lune (Moonlight), for voice & piano
- La Mort des amants (The death of the lovers), for voice & piano
- Nuit blanche (Sleepless night), for voice & piano
- Berceuse pour apr�s (Lullaby for later), for voice & piano
- Les Roses de Saadi (The Roses of Saadi), for voice & piano
- Le Bateau rose (The Rose-coloured Boat), for voice & piano
- Ronde, for voice & piano
- L'Aveu (The Confession), for voice & piano
- Au jardin joli (In the pretty garden), for voice & piano
- L'Oiseau de Paradis (The Bird of Paradise), for voice & piano
- Cr�puscule (Twilight), for voice & piano
- L'Amour mort (Dead love), for voice & piano
- Voici riche d'avoir pleur�...(Here, rich for having wept), for voice & piano
- No�l, for voice & piano
- Wallonie, for voice & piano