Paul Agnew

CDs Paul Agnew performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (25)

2014 - Vivaldi Voices

Genre: Classical
2010 - Vivaldi - Opera Arias and Sacred Music

Genre: Classical
2005 - Charpentier - La Descente d'Orphee aux Enfers / Petibon Daneman Zanetti Agnew Gardeil Les Arts Florissants Christie

Genre: Classical
2004 - JS Bach Cantatas Vol 15

2002 - Lully Les Divertissements de Versailles

2001 - Rameau - La Guirlande Zphyre / Daneman Mchaly Ockenden Decaudaveine Agnew Baloza Cappella Coloniensis Christie

2000 - Bach - Christmas Oratorio / Bott Chance Agnew King George New London Consort Pickett

2000 - Handel - Theodora / Gritton Bickley Blaze Agnew A Smith N Davies Gabrieli Consort and Players McCreesh

2000 - Desmarest - Grands Motets Lorrains / Daneman Ockenden Agnew Slaars Marzorati Les Arts Florissants Christie

2000 - Bach Complete Cantatas Volume 10 / Koopman

2000 - Bach St Mark Passion (arr. Ton Koopman)
1999 - Matthias Weckmann Sacred Concerti and Harpsichord Music
1999 - Handel L'Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato / Gritton McFadden L Anderson Agnew N Davies King
1999 - Boccherini D'Astorga - Stabat Mater / Gritton Fox Bickley Agnew Harvey The King's Consort King
1999 - The Hyperion Schubert Edition 32 - An 1816 Schubertiad / Dawson Schfer Ainsley Langridge
1999 - Charpentier - Divertissements Airs et Concerts / Daneman Petibon Eikenes Agnew Sinclair Piolino Le Monnier A Ewing Les Arts Florissants Christie
1998 - Monteverdi - Vespro della Beata Vergine / Marin-Degor Wieczorek Stefanowicz Agnew Cornwell Flix Bayley Les Arts Florissants Christie
1998 - The Enchanted Island / Pickett Musicians of the Globe (Music for a restoration "Tempest")
1997 - Berlioz - L'Enfance du Christ / Gens Agnew Lallouette Naouri Caton La Chapelle Royale Herreweghe
1997 - Mondonville - Grand Motets / Daneman Wieczorek Agnew Piolino Konigsberger Bazola Les Arts Florissants Christie
1997 - The Hyperion Schubert Edition 28 - An 1822 Schubertiad / Ainsley Koningsberger
1997 - Bach Complete Cantatas Vol 4 / Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra Koopman
1996 - Schtz - The Christmas Story Cantiones sacrae Psalm 100 / P Agnew A Crookes M McCarthy Oxford Camerata J Summerly
1994 - Rameau - Les Grands Motets / Daneman Rime Agnew Rivenq Cavallier Les Arts Florissants Christie
1993 - Monteverdi - L'Orfeo / Ainsley Bott A King Bonner Gooding Robson Evans George Grant New London Consort Pickett

CDs Paul Agnew helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (53)

2018 - Les Matres du motet

Genre: Classical
2017 - Un Jardin a l'Italienne - Airs Cantates Madrigaux

Genre: Classical
2009 - England My England (Soundtrack)

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Soundtracks
2009 - Purcell The Food of Love

2009 - Bach Town Council Election Cantatas

2009 - Heinrich Schtz Die sieben Worte Auferstehung Historie Johann Sebastiani Matthus Passion

2009 - Handel Edition Acis and Galatea Theodora Cantatas (Box Set)

2008 - Bach Funeral Cantatas

2008 - Bach Cantatas Vol 25 - John Eliot Gardiner Monteverdi Choir and English Baroque Soloists

2008 - Bach Cantatas for Marian Feasts

2008 - Bach Cantatas Vol 3
2008 - John Blow Venus and Adonis
2007 - Vivaldi Atenaide (Vivaldi Edition)
2007 - Purcell - Divine Hymns / Les Arts Florissants Christie (Harmonia Sacra)
2007 - Bach Johannes Passion
2007 - J S Bach Magnificat Easter Oratorio
2007 - Bach Kafee-Kantate
2006 - Charpentier Judicium Salomonis/Motet pour une longue offrande - William Christie Les Arts Florissants
2006 - Bach Matthus Passion Johannes Passion Markus Passion Lukas Passion (Box Set)
2006 - Bouzignac Te Deum Motets
2006 - At Twilight Choral Music by Percy Grainger and Edvard Grieg
2006 - Vivaldi Dixit Dominus Galuppi 3 Psalms
2006 - Bach Cantatas Vol 19 Greenwich/Romsey
2006 - Mozart Mass in C Minor K 427
2005 - Essential Handel
2005 - Charpentier - Te Deum Grand Office des Morts
2005 - Mozart Ascanio in Alba Zaide (Box Set)
2005 - Charpentier - Les Plaisirs de Versailles / Christie
2005 - Vivaldi Arie d'Opera (Vivaldi Edition)
2005 - Bach Cantatas Vol 1 City of London
2005 - Salve Regina by Campra Couprin / Agnew Lasla Les Arts Florissants Christie (Petits motets)
2004 - Rameau Rgne Amour - Love Songs from the Operas
2004 - Handel Saul
2004 - Purcell Dido and Aeneas
2004 - Monteverdi Madrigali (Box Set)
2003 - Campra - Grands Motets / Les Arts Florissants Christie
2002 - Handel - Arcadian Duets / Dessay Gens Petibon Claycomb Lascarro Panzarella Mijanovic Mingardo Asawa Agnew Le Concert d'Astre Ham
2002 - Lully - Perse / Les Talens Lyriques Rousset
2002 - Music from the Time of Rembrandt
2001 - Severn Meadows Songs by Ivor Gurney
2001 - Boccherini Stabat Mater D'Astorga Stabat Mater (Hybrid SACD)
2000 - Music and Art at the Court of Charles I
1999 - Handel Acis and Galatea
1999 - Lanier Songs
1999 - Music and Art at the Court of Charles I
1999 - Handel - Solomon / A Scholl Dam-Jensen Hagley Bickley Gritton Agnew Harvey Gabrieli Consort and Players Paul McCreesh
1998 - Rameau - Les Fetes d'Hebe / Daneman Connolly Fouchecourt Agnew Felix Les Arts Florissants Christie
1997 - Rameau - Hippolyte et Aricie / Padmore Panzarella Hunt Naouri E James Petibon Mechaly Delunsch Les Arts Florissants Christie
1996 - In Darknesse Let Me Dwell
1995 - O Sweet Woods
1993 - Purcell The Complete Anthems and Services Vol 6 /King's Consort King
1993 - Henry Purcell Funeral Sentences
Bach Markus Passion