No Music, Just A Bio of the Band
Robert Huggins | Suburban Philadelphia, PA United States | 03/28/2000
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Newer Floyd fans might enjoy this combination CD and CD size book which traces the bands origins right up through "The Division Bell," but long time fans will learn nothing new here. I actually liked the book a lot better than the CD. This really couldn't even be called an interview disk since their are only a precious few minutes of old and badly recorded interviews on the CD. It's a band biography, period!"
Robert Huggins | 05/05/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"You may all do well to prepare. For the answer is closer than the lights in the distance. A.W.R.N.T.D.I.K.T."
Interview Disc, most probably.
Robert Huggins | 04/13/1999
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This is apparently a rerelease of an interview disc that's been available for a while now. It features short parts of interviews (neither of which are terribly good), narration (by some guy who pronounces a few things wrong), and a CD-size book, in which some factual errors are committed. Then again, I could be wrong, and it could be some new album. I hope I am, anyway..."