Search - Sergey Prokofiev, Andrew Mogrelia, Theodore Kuchar :: Prokofiev: Romeo & Juliet / Cinderella [Highlights]

Prokofiev: Romeo & Juliet / Cinderella [Highlights]
Sergey Prokofiev, Andrew Mogrelia, Theodore Kuchar
Prokofiev: Romeo & Juliet / Cinderella [Highlights]
Genre: Classical
  •  Track Listings (21) - Disc #1


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CD Reviews

Extravadance !
Mr JB | Karlskrona Sweden | 12/28/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Prokofiev probably was one of the last century's most exciting composers. He was a master in chamber music, wrote many lovely instrumental concertos, as well as interesting symphonies and operas. His style was highly personal, even if some of his work was forced to fit into the then ruling russian political taste. But none of the works on this disc has anything political about them. They are no nonsense good music, and as here, well played and conducted.The selection is, concerning 'Romeo & Juliet', well made, and, put in cronological order (if following Shakespears story - Prokofiev didn't so when he put his suites together). I will just make a few examples to explain my praise of this selection. Concerning Romeo & Juliet, the 'Montagues & Capulets' is very well made, with dramatic ooomph and all. In the balcony scene following, you surely hear that love is in the air - especially just listen to the part beginning with the 'butterfly-ish' windsection at 5'30. And the rest of the selected items are similarily well done. Maestro Mogrelia surely knows how to the get the most muscle and, definately, sensitive charm out of his Czechian/Slovak orchestra. Sound is very good, the only backdraw I can find, and it is really minor, is the meagre, not hard enough that is, sounding snare drum. Balance, instruments and dynamics are all very well preserved. The Cinderella suite no. 1 then? Just as dreamish and feverish at the same time, as great ballet music should be. Close your eyes and I think you'll actually see someone dancing for you on the stage in front of you. Sound is good here too, even if the suite is performed by an other orchestra, with different conductor, and a few years later. Maestro Kuchar is exemplary good in dynamics within the orchestra, but loses something in intensity in the playing just as well. Still, he never looses up, and the performance is, as a whole, still very good, although not at the level with Pletnev and the Russian National Orchestra for DG. But, for the whole disc, this is marvellously good, and at this price you need not think twice - highly recommended."