| George J. Bennett, John Camidge, Matthew Camidge Psalms, Vol. 1 - Westminster Abbey Choir (Virgin) Genre: Classical
Track Listings (19) - Disc #1- Psalm 8 for Chorus & organ 'O Lord Our Governor'
- Psalm 15 for chorus & organ 'Lord, Who Shall Dwell in Thy Tabernacle'
- Psalm 19 for chorus & organ 'The Heavens Declare the Glory of God'
- Psalm 22 for Chorus & organ, 'My God, My God, Look upon Me'
- Psalm 23, 'The Lord Is My Shepherd' for chorus & organ
- Psalm 24 'The Earth Is the Lord's' for chorus & organ
- Psalm 27: The Lord is my light, and my salvation
- Psalm 27: The Lord is my light, and my salvation
- Psalm 29: Bring unto the Lord, O ye mighty
- Psalm 39 for chorus & organ ('I Said, I Will Take Heed to My Ways')
- Psalm 42 for chorus & organ ('Like As the Hart Desireth the Waterbrooks')
- Psalm 42 for chorus & organ ('Like As the Hart Desireth the Waterbrooks')
- Psalm 42 for chorus & organ ('Like As the Hart Desireth the Waterbrooks')
- Psalm 46 'God Is Our Hope & Strength', for chorus & organ
- Psalm 46 'God Is Our Hope & Strength', for chorus & organ
- Psalm 47 for chorus & organ 'O Clap Your Hands Together, All Ye People'
- Psalm 51: Have mercy upon me, O God
- Psalm 51 for Chorus & organ, 'Have Mercy upon Me, O God'
- Psalm 61 for chorus & organ ('Hear My Crying, O God')