Search - Jacques Ibert, Manuel de Falla, Maurice Ravel :: Quijotes: Ibert, Falla, Ravel, Guridi

Quijotes: Ibert, Falla, Ravel, Guridi
Jacques Ibert, Manuel de Falla, Maurice Ravel
Quijotes: Ibert, Falla, Ravel, Guridi
Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical


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CD Details

All Artists: Jacques Ibert, Manuel de Falla, Maurice Ravel, Jesus Guridi
Title: Quijotes: Ibert, Falla, Ravel, Guridi
Members Wishing: 1
Total Copies: 0
Label: Dg Imports
Original Release Date: 4/17/2007
Re-Release Date: 2/2/2007
Album Type: Import
Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
Styles: Vocal Pop, Opera & Classical Vocal, Symphonies
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
UPCs: 028947630944, 0028947630944


Product Description

CD Reviews

We recommend it highly. | Boston, MA | 08/13/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)

"This 2007 release from Deutsche Grammophon features a compilation of 18 musical works from Spanish and French composers, based on episodes taken from the 400-year old Cervantes novel "Don Quioxte." [Don't mind the different spellings. This CD is "Quijotes" but most know it as "Quixote"] However it is spelled, this "Quijotes" is a most pleasant surprise, for a number of reasons. First the orchestration is wonderful and full throughout, courtesy of the Orquesta del la Comunidad de Madrid, under the baton of José Ramón Encinar. And what great orchestration it is: Guridi's "Una aventura de Don Quijote" is a cross between Wagner's "Valkeries" and John Williams "Star Wars" and is a joy to the musical senses because of its rich fullness. There are three or four such offerings from different composers throughout, all instrumental and all quite good. Then, of course, there is the wonderful bass voice of Mr. Alvarez who has been heard on the stages of the New York Met and La Scala in various opera roles. You don't hear much from bass singers, and Mr. Alvarez' contribution here is a perfect match for the mood of this multiple "Quijote" tribute from composers Ibert, Falla, Ravel and Guridi, with the bulk from Falla. Because what we get here is something akin to a musical tale in episode form there's a kind of theatrical/movie quality about this CD that makes it so easy to enjoy. We recommend it highly. This review appeared at"