R. Carlos Nakai

CDs R. Carlos Nakai performed on...

Currently Available CDs (16)

2010 - Dancing Into Silence

Genres: International Music, New Age
2004 - In Beauty We Return

Genres: International Music, New Age, Pop
2003 - Sanctuary

Genres: International Music, New Age, Pop
2000 - In a Distant Place

1999 - Inner Voices

1998 - Red Wind

1998 - Mythic Dreamer Music For Native American Flute

1996 - Kokopelli's Cafe

1995 - How The West Was Lost Volume 2 (1993 TV Documentary Series)

1993 - Ancestral Voices

1993 - Winter Dreams for Christmas
1993 - Cycles - Native American Flute Music
1993 - Emergence
1993 - How The West Was Lost (1993 TV Documentary Series)
1993 - Canyon Trilogy Native American Flute Music
1992 - Desert Dance

Currently Unavailable CDs (20)

2016 - Canyon Trilogy (platinum Edition)

Genres: International Music, New Age, Pop, Rock
2013 - Awakening The Fire

Genres: International Music, New Age, Pop
2008 - Guadalupe

Genre: Classical
2008 - Talisman

2008 - Talisman

2007 - Healing the Divide A Concert for Peace and Reconciliation

2007 - Voyagers

2006 - Reconnections

2005 - Our Beloved Land

2005 - People of Peace

2002 - Fourth World
2001 - Enter Tribal
1998 - Big Medicine
1996 - Voices Across The Canyon Volume Two A Canyon Records Collection of Native American Music
1994 - Island of Bows
1993 - Spirit Horses (Concerto for Native American Flute and Chamber Orchestra)
1993 - Earth Spirit
1993 - Carry the Gift
1993 - Changes Native American Flute Music
1993 - Journeys Vol 3

CDs R. Carlos Nakai helped create...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1997 - Two World Concerto The Music of James DeMars

Genres: International Music, Special Interest, New Age, Pop, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (1)

2008 - Winds of Devotion

Genres: Dance & Electronic, International Music, Jazz, New Age, Pop