First Movement: War! To thee, men, drink! - Richard Haan/Ludovit Ludha
First Movement: Ardea, city of fever, how long must we stay here in the putrid mire, cawing again... - Ludovit Ludha/Jan Durco/Rado Hanak/Richard Haan/Igor Pasek
First Movement: Wise was the poet who said: Old, new, I drink the wine; I treat an old, new illne... - Igor Pasek
First Movement: Nonsense! My Tanaquilla, who is the most beautiful and wisest woman of Rome... - Rado Hanak/Jan Durco/Richard haan/Ludovit Ludha/Igor Pasek
First Movement: Se siete in gamba, ragazzi, montiamo a cavallo! - Rado Hanak/Jan Durco/Richard haan/Ludovit Ludha/Igor Pasek
First Movement: The Voice: The rattling gallop drums in the night shadow, through the rolling cou... - Stefania Kaluza
Second Movement: The distaff is full. - Adriana Kohutkova/Denisa Slepkovska
Second Movement: And the wretched woman wept: Treacherous, trecherous man! - Michela Remor/Adriana Kohutkova/Denisa Slepkovska
Second Movement: Look to our distaff, be careful, Larentia, be careful! - Michela Remor/Adriana Kohutkova/Denisa Slepkovska
Second Movement: This evening, too? - Adriana Kohutkova/Denisa Slepkovska/Richard Haan/Michela Remor/Stefani Kaluza
Second Movement: Lente le fatiscose parole vengono e vanno roche e profonde nel rombo delle tempie. - Stefani Kaluza/Michela Remor/Adriana Kohutkova/Denisa Slpekovska
Second Movement: The Voice: And smiling thus, in a sweet thought of love, under the eyelids' shad... - Stefani Kaluza/Richard Haan/Michela Remor
Second Movement: Alas! He crosses the threshold There: in the white bed a shape, a calm breathing... - Richard Haan/Michela Remor
Second Movement: You dont know me. - Richard Haan/Michela Remor/
Second Movement: The Voice: Coward! Coward! - Stefania Kaluza
Third Movement: Darkness. A desperate surrender...a long lament... - Stefania Kaluza
Third Movement: Light, the livid light...And I am alive, and the sun, returns, just like yesterday - Michela Remor
Third Movement: Where? Lucretia, where are you? - Stefania Kaluza/Denisa Slepkovska/Ludovit Ludha/Rado Hanak/Michela Remor
Third Movement: I am no longer the woman I was yesterday, she who came to you one day amid nuptia... - Rado Hanak/Jan Durco/Ludovit Ludha/Michela Remor
Third Movement: Hear me, hear me, all of you! - Igor Pasek/Jan Durco/Ludovit Ludha/Rado Hanak