| Francois Couperin, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel Ravel: Le tombeau de Couperin; Debussy: Children's Corner; Six �pigraphes antiques Genre: Classical
Track Listings (19) - Disc #1- Children's Corner, suite for piano (or orchestra), L. 113: Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum. Mod?r?ment anim?
- Children's Corner, suite for piano (or orchestra), L. 113: Jimbo's lullaby. Assez mod?r?
- Children's Corner, suite for piano (or orchestra), L. 113: Serenade for the doll. Allegretto ma non troppo
- Children's Corner, suite for piano (or orchestra), L. 113: The snow is dancing. Mod?r?ment anim?
- Children's Corner, suite for piano (or orchestra), L. 113: The little shpeherd. Tr?s mod?r?
- Children's Corner, suite for piano (or orchestra), L. 113: Golliwogg's Cakewalk. Allegro giusto
- ?pigraphes antiques (6), for piano, 2 or 4 hands (or orchestra), L. 131: Pour invoquer Pan, dieu du vent d'?t?. Mod?r? - dans le styl
- ?pigraphes antiques (6), for piano, 2 or 4 hands (or orchestra), L. 131: Pour un tombeau sans nom. Triste et lent
- ?pigraphes antiques (6), for piano, 2 or 4 hands (or orchestra), L. 131: Pour que la nuit soit propice. Lent et expressif
- ?pigraphes antiques (6), for piano, 2 or 4 hands (or orchestra), L. 131: Pour la danseuse aux crotales. Andantino (souple et sans rig
- ?pigraphes antiques (6), for piano, 2 or 4 hands (or orchestra), L. 131: Pour l'Egyptienne. Tr?s mod?r?
- ?pigraphes antiques (6), for piano, 2 or 4 hands (or orchestra), L. 131: Pour remercier la pluie au matin. Mod?r?ment anim?
- Quatri?me concert, for harpsichord (or violin, flute, oboe, viol & bassoon) in E minor (Concerts royaux): Forlane
- Le tombeau de Couperin, for piano: Pr?lude. Vif
- Le tombeau de Couperin, for piano: Fugue. Allegro moderato
- Le tombeau de Couperin, for piano: Forlane. Allegretto
- Le tombeau de Couperin, for piano: Rigaudon. Assez vif
- Le tombeau de Couperin, for piano: Minuet. Allegro
- Le tombeau de Couperin, for piano: Toccata. Vif