Rebirth Brass Band: Hard-hitting and danceable
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This albums consists of the most danceable New Orleans music I have heard in recent years. While Rebirth Brass Band is no Jelly Roll Morton or Preservation Hall Jazz band, Rebirth does stand apart from the crowd. Perhaps the wildest tune on the album is their version of Michael Jackson's "Liberian Girl." Admist introductory shouts, baritone saxophone player John Gilbert belts out steady notes, climaxing with a killer solo about two minutes into the song. What makes the song addictive is the way he rapidly shifts between high and "deep tooting" low notes. "Liberian Girl," without any pause, transforms into the title song, "We Come to Party." This too is a very danceable tune, as is "Fire." However, there are so many intruments playing during "Fire" that the music leans towards discord at points. While the above mentioned tunes are the most notable ones, there really are no "weak" songs on the album. This album is worth its cost. Recommended."