Richard Auldon Clark

CDs Richard Auldon Clark performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (2)

1996 - Handel - Tolomeo / J Lane B Harris A Matthews MA Hart P Castaldi Manhattan CO RA Clark

Genre: Classical
1995 - Handel - Ezio / Fortunato Baird Lane N Watson Urrey Pellerin Manhattan Chamber Orchestra (2 CDs)

Genre: Classical

CDs Richard Auldon Clark helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (20)

2009 - Ice-9 Ballads

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Rock, Classical
2003 - David Amram - An American Original

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2001 - Barab Cosmos Cantata

Genres: Pop, Classical
2000 - 25 Handel Favorites

2000 - 25 Wedding Favorites

1998 - Such A Tender Night The Music Of Alec Wilder

1997 - Frederick the Great Chamber Music

1997 - 25 Opera Favorites

1996 - Ibert Oeuvres Variees

1995 - Hovhaness Visions-The Musical World of Alan Hovhaness

1995 - Thompson Frostiana Testament of Freedom
1995 - David Amram - Three Concertos
1995 - William Grant Still The American Scene
1994 - Henry Cowell Fiddler's Jig Air Scherzo Concerto Grosso Hymn Fuguing Tune No 10
1994 - Stones Time and Elements - A Humanist Requiem
1994 - American Portraits-The American Music Sampler
1994 - For the Friends of Alec Wilder Orchestral Works by America's Master
1994 - Henry Cowell Persian Set
1994 - Hovhaness Chamber Symphony 'Mountains and Rivers Without End' Prayer of St Gregory for trumpet and string orchestra Symphony No 6 'Celestial Gate' Concerto for Trumpet and Wind Symphony 'Return and Rebuild the Desolate Places'
1993 - Vive Ibert Jacques Ibert Orchestral Works