Richard Boothby

CDs Richard Boothby performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (6)

2005 - Clerambault Courbois Blamont Medee Ariane Circe Hero les deesses outragees /Mellon Ensemble Barcarole (Cantatas)

Genres: Pop, Classical
2000 - Bach Trio Sonatas BWV525-530

Genre: Classical
1998 - Handel - Italian cantatas trio sonatas / Bott The Purcell Quartet

Genre: Classical
1995 - Purcell Miscellany / Bott Boothby The Purcell Quartet

1992 - Vivaldi Sonatas for Strings Vol 2

1992 - Corelli Sonatas for Strings Vol 1 /Purcell Quartet (from Op 1 & 2)

CDs Richard Boothby helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (9)

2016 - Lawes Pieces for the Lyra Viol

Genre: Classical
2003 - Buxtehude Sacred Cantatas Vol 1 /Kirkby Leblanc Harvey Purcell Quartet

Genres: Pop, Classical
2003 - Corelli Sonatas for Strings

Genre: Classical
2000 - Purcell Halcyon Days - Songs for court chapel and stage /Argenta

1995 - Purcell The Indian Queen /Bonner Bott Covey-Crump Harvey Purcell Simfony Mackintosh

1995 - William Lawes The Royall Consort Suites - Purcell Quartet North O'Dette

1995 - Purcell Fantazias In Nomines /Fretwork

1992 - Sons for String 3

1992 - Purcell Sonatas Vol 1 / The Purcell Quartet