Product DescriptionSmart and playful, fun and educational -- this folk duo mixes harmony, invention, and imagination with just a touch of foolishness. Rick & Audrey fill kids with a sense of wonder.
Rick & Audrey play music for the whole family, but some of their favorite audiences average under the age of 10. At schools, pools, libraries, farms, and festivals, Rick & Audrey specialize in instilling a sense of wonder and excitement for younger audiences.
As a teacher of elementary music in DC schools, Audrey has collaborated with students to create songs and dances that inspire children to participate wholeheartedly. And with Rick's inner child very close to the surface, their performance is always engaging and inevitably educational. But don't think it's just the kids having fun. There have been frequent sightings of so-called "adults" dancing on tables, shouting out garden ingredients, and roaring like allosauruses!
After working with children for years in elementary, pre-schools, camps and day cares, Audrey has an intuitive knack for interpreting what kids need through the life of our set, and has tricks for jazzing them up and calming them down. Rick on the other hand, with his intrinsic charm and open-hearted improvisation, brings verve and action to each song. He plays accompaniment on guitar, bouzouki, djembe and saw, sings harmonies, dances, and acts out the parts. Shadows, gardens and dinosaurs totally come to life!
1 Make a Garden Grow
2 Oh Those Owls
3 Sandwiches are Beautiful
4 Rain is a-Coming
5 Caterpillar
6 My Shadow
7 Dino-dino-dinosaur
8 Child of Earth
9 The Spider Song
10 Use a Map
11 Snow Day
12 Go to Sleep