"This cd is absolutely necessary for anyone who wants a well-rounded cd collection. It is an impeccable recording (as are most Bernstein Century recordings) of two excellent pieces. The low strings have a unity that is entirely impressive, and the brass simply adds a flavor to the music that enthralls the listener. I obviously give this recording the highest recommendation."
Magnificent! Who would have thought?
Santa Fe Listener | Santa Fe, NM USA | 09/17/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Even though critics never mention them, these readings of the Schubert 'Unfinished' and Sym. #9 could be anybody's first choice. I own a hundred Bernstein CDs and yet had passed this one over, thinking that the performances would be romantically exaggerated and out of style. In fact they are wonderful: propulsive, lyrical, and really focused on the musicality of Schubert rather than Bernstein's own personality. Good, clear recordings in the big NY Phil. style of those days, and except for a punchy ending to the first movement of the Ninth, I was carried along by the buoyancy and joy of Bernstein's approach in every bar.
P.S. _ Only later did I hear LB's remake of both works on DG with the Concertgebouw. There, I think the magic is gone, although they are nice engouh readings in their straightforward way."
Outstanding Schubert!...
S�bastien Melmoth | H�tel d'Alsace, PARIS | 03/11/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
Usually I prefer Bohm and the BPO with Schubert: they bring a Brucknerian reading.
But I've just gotta say that Lenny and the NYP really had some chemistry going on with the realization of Schubert's two great symphonies: one might say they bring a Mahlerian reading to the scores.
Really good.
H. David Lloyd | Bedford, England | 08/10/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Leonard Bernstein's 1963 New York Philharmonic recording of Schubert's Unfinished Symphony No 8 (as was his version of Schubert's No 5) has long remained a performance by which others are judged. It is simply superb, with a lofty nobility that sets it above virtually all rivals.
Although marred by a final movement which is at too fast a tempo, the 9th Symphony performance is fine as well. What a pity that Bernstein never recorded an integral set of the Schubert Symphonies. This wonderful CD, though, is partial compensation; the Unfinished is truly magnificent.
David Lloyd, Bedford, England."
Schubert 8 and 9th Symphonies - Bernstein, N.Y. Phil.
Hal T. Denton | Cookeville, TN | 07/14/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Bernstein and the Philharmonic play the 8th in full-blown Romantic pitch. An excellent choice. The Great
C-Major, however, is the jewel in this recording. I probably have more records of Bernstein leading the Philharmonic in my collection than any other interpreters of classical music. Many I like, and others I don't much care for. To me, the C-Major is the best Bernstein I've heard him conduct. I always cherished the old Furtwangler and Toscanni recordings, but Bernstein's hard driving approach and excellent EMI sound quality make this performance not only a bargain but at the top of anyone's list looking for the ultimate in Schubert performance.