| Sexgang Children Helter Skelter Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock, Metal
Track Listings (9) - Disc #1- I'm Jack
- The Yorkshire Ripper
- Ripper
- Edmund Kemper
- Ed Kemper's Terrible Temper
- Jeffrey Dahmer
- Karla Faye Tucker
- The Ballad of Karla Faye Tucker
- Ted Bundy
Track Listings (12) - Disc #2- John Wayne Gracey
- The Clown Who Killed Boys
- Kenneth Bianchi
- Kenneth Bianchi Whinges
- Dennis Nilsen
- Incident at 23 Cranley Gardens
- Harold Shipman
- Henry Lee Lucas
- Henry Lee Lucas, White Trash Motherfucker
- News of Moors Murderers Sentance Is Announced
- Ian Brady and Myra Hindley
- Saddleworth Moor
Track Listings (2) - Disc #3- Son of Sam
- Daughter of Sam
Track Listings (5) - Disc #4- Children of Waco - Sex Gang Children, Sex Gang, Andi
- We're Supposed to Be Christians
- Rise and Fall of the Branch Davidians
- The Book of Revelation
- April 19, 1993
Track Listings (1) - Disc #5- The Mass Suicide Symphony
Track Listings (10) - Disc #6- Driller Killer - Jesus Hitler
- Snuff - Anal Nation
- I Spit on Your Grave [Wolf-Dance Mix]
- Last House on the Left - Pay and Decay
- Nightmares in a Damaged Brain - Zombie H.O.
- Cannibal Holocaust - Darkpark
- S.S. Experiment Camp - Pungent
- Cannibal Ferox - Tragik Magik
- Zombie Creeping Flesh - Faithkillaz
- Texas Chainsaw - Slag Heap