| Richard [Classical] Wagner, Siegfried Wagner, Genia Guszalewicz Siegfried Wagner Conducts Richard Wagner Genres: Special Interest, Classical
Track Listings (9) - Disc #1- Der fliegende Holl�nder (The Flying Dutchman), opera, WWV 63: Ouvert�re (Overture)
- Der fliegende Holl�nder (The Flying Dutchman), opera, WWV 63: Einleitung Akt 2 (Introduction Act 2)
- Tannh�user, opera, WWV 70: Einzug der G�ste auf der Wartburg (Entry of the Guests)
- Lohengrin, opera, WWV 75: Vorspiel (Prelude)
- Das Rheingold (The Rhine Gold), opera, WWV 86a: Einzug der G�tter in Walhall (Entry of the Gods)
- Die Walk�re (The Valkyrie), opera, WWV 86b: Walk�renritt (Ride of the Walkyries)
- Die Walk�re (The Valkyrie), opera, WWV 86b: Wotans Abschied und Feuerzauber (Wotan's Farewell)
- Siegfried, opera, WWV 86c: Verwandlungsmusik Akt 3 (Transformation Music Act 3)
- Die G�tterd�mmerung (Twilight of the Gods), opera, WWV 86d: Siegfrieds Rheinfahrt (Siegfried's Rhine Journey)
Track Listings (7) - Disc #2- Tristan und Isolde, opera, WWV 90: Vorspiel & Liebestod (Prelude & Love Death)
- Parsifal, opera, WWV 111: Blumenm�dchenszene (Flower Maiden Scene). 'Hier! Hier war das Tosen'
- Parsifal, opera, WWV 111: Vorspiel Akt 3 (Prelude Act 3)
- Parsifal, opera, WWV 111: Karfreitagszauber (Good Friday Spell)
- Parsifal, opera, WWV 111: Karfreitagszauber (Good Friday Spell). "So ward es uns verhie�en - Wie d�nkt mich doch"
- Siegfried Idyll, for small orchestra in E major, WWV 103: Siegfried - Idyll
- Huldigungsmarsch, for military band in E flat major, WWV 97: Huldigungmarsch