"Esta compilación puede considerarse como un punto de partida, pero no el mejor, ni el más representativo. Este disco está enfocado al mundo angloparlante, por lo que las canciones que contiene dan cuenta más de la música cubana que de las líricas de Silvio, las que la mayoría de las veces van acompañadas unicamente de guitarra acústicas y con ritmos sencillos.
Sin embargo es una buena forma de acercar a quienes no hablan nuestro idioma al increíble universo musical de Rodríguez. Además la edición es muy buena, y contiene las letras en ambas lenguas y con una biografía del trovador."
"Silvio Light"
A. Pabon | Albanta | 02/20/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I have to agree wholeheartedly with the review of this CD by Antonio Rioseco. This CD is for marketing Silvio to the gringo. It has the 'de rigueur' revolutionary songs like " Cancion urgente para Nicaragua" & "Playa Giron" but it is far from the essence of this singer/songwriter. I suggest exploring his triptychs (Triptico 1, 2, 3 and Silvio, Rodriguez and Dominguez). My favorites are the second ones in each series (Triptico 2 y Rodriguez) which include some of his best poems put to music. I love "Llover sobre mojado" & "El tiempo esta a favor de los pequenos" and Rodriguez's "Casiopea". So don't go for the Silvio Light go for something more filling."
A good CD to start listening Silvio Rodriguez
Jos� Andr� | 08/11/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have many CD from Silvio Rodriguez. If you are like me, we both don't need a review. Looking at song listing is enough to know. Buy, if you are looking for only one Silvio Rodriguez's CD, i recommend this one. Many people only want a single CD from an artist, others want star with one, and after a while, return for more. In both cases, this CD is for them.
I recomend pass reviews below for people who are looking for 5 or 6 CD from Silvio Rodriguez. After all, probably if you are one from those, you already have this CD. Finally, pass reviews forget to mention "Días y Flores", it is a "must to have" CD in a Silvio Rodriguez basic colection.
A good introduction for those who are not purists!
P. Carmona | 06/19/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Unfortunately, the great Silvio Rodríguez is virtually unknown outside the Spanish-speaking world. Aware of that, I've recently started giving presents of this sampler to friends who have never heard of him, . . . and some of them have subsequently gone on to buy one or another of his classic albums. Of course, no compilation could ever do justice to the wide range of his oeuvre, but this gem of a collection is a good start for those who otherwise might never be aware of this great genius."