This album isn't worth a 4,but it's still better than KORN..
(4 out of 5 stars)
"European metal is so much better than american metal it isn't even funny.And the sad part is that most american's,not me though,think that American metal's so great.Ya see the problem is that american's get so use to listening to this sorry stuff made by people with no talent that when they hear the good stuff,they think it's wierd.I mean sure the accent the singer has might sway you a little,but to me it just makes them sound better.I mean I'm willing to make a bet that the skylark drummer Carlos would send Lar's Ulrich from Metallica,and the drummer from Pantera crying home to mamma.OK if you don't believe me listen to the song White warrior.Now grant it the lyric's on this song [stink]and the occassional high overlapping vocals can tend to be annoying.but the drumming is second to none except for maybe Ingo Schwitzenberg from back when Helloween the German lord's of all that is, and was great Melodic speed metal,ruled with the best singer the world should know,, but probably doesn't care for, beyond Japan and the U.K.Ofcourse I mean Michael Kiske.As a matter of fact this band sound's like Helloween not Queensryche with their poppy glammy couldn't right a good song to save their life,music, it also doesn't sound to much like Iron Maiden, although I have a great respect for that band,but still they're much slower and old Bruce has never been known for his highs when it comes to vocals.Nope this band is just another Helloween copy with great musicianship and a fantasy and classical feel,much like Rhapsody,Holy Knights,Dragonland,Zandella,Oh and here's some more even closer sounding Helloween copys like Insania,Freedom call,Sonata Actica,Stratovarius,Crystal Eyes,Domine just to name a few.Hmm I wonder if Michael Kiske is getting any royalty's.Now if midcareer Helloween isn't you'r thing there's alway's Korn,Queens Ryche,Blink 182,Good Sharlet,and Limp bizkit to fall back on, just make sure to leave the talented fantasy metal,and melodic speed metal\Power metal band's like Skylark,Wizard,Steel Attack,Nocturnal Rites(old and new)and Blind Gaurdian, off you'r list... Thank you..."