Search - Smashing Pumpkins :: Siamese Dream (Clean)

Siamese Dream (Clean)
Smashing Pumpkins
Siamese Dream (Clean)
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
  •  Track Listings (13) - Disc #1

An introductory drum roll drops out and is replaced by a single suspended electric guitar, which is then paralleled by a snare, filled in with the bass, and--crash!--"Cherub Rock," the opening track, is enveloped in an exp...  more »


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CD Details

All Artists: Smashing Pumpkins
Title: Siamese Dream (Clean)
Members Wishing: 0
Total Copies: 0
Label: Virgin Records Us
Original Release Date: 1/1/2007
Re-Release Date: 8/10/1993
Album Type: Clean
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
Styles: Indie & Lo-Fi, American Alternative
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
Other Editions: Siamese Dream, Siamese Dream
UPCs: 724383906222, 724383906246

Synopsis essential recording
An introductory drum roll drops out and is replaced by a single suspended electric guitar, which is then paralleled by a snare, filled in with the bass, and--crash!--"Cherub Rock," the opening track, is enveloped in an explosion of metal guitar. So the journey begins. This album is pre-experimentation vintage Pumpkins. Produced by Butch Vig (Garbage, Sonic Youth, Nirvana's Nevermind), Siamese Dream is first about guitars. Lots and lots of guitars. A very close second is Jimmy Chamberlain's unquestionably excellent power drumming. Throughout each song, Billy Corgan delivers angsty lyrics in his signature breathy whine. "Disarm" is a nice intermission halfway though the album. As the title of the song suggests, it throws the listener into a different mood with its full string arrangements and radiant orchestral chimes. But then it is back to the aural masochism--a pain that rarely sounds so sweet. --Beth Bessmer

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CD Reviews

"Dream" away
E. A Solinas | MD USA | 02/26/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)

"The drum rolls, then falls away for a building electric guitar, a drum, and a searingly vibrant wall of sound that rises before your very ears. This is the start of "Siamese Dream," a vintage Smashing Pumpkins album and one of the best, most underrated alternative rock albums ever released.Opening with a bang is the dizzying "Cherub Rock," a song that serves as a perfect springboard into the heart of this album. It can shift in an instant between pulse-pounding (the deceptively-named "Quiet") and more progressive ("Hummer"). Corgan's range stretches even to the quiet ("Sweet Sweet"), the dramatic ("Disarm" with its bells and violins) or the catchy (the plaintive "Spaceboy").Perhaps the most outstanding thing about the Pumpkins is their seamless blend of metal, neo-psychedelica and art-rock. The blasting electric riffs, sprawling melodies, and the whirling, sinuous guitars are all interwoven without so much as a sonic burp. At first glance, it seems like a fairly typical rock/metal album, but upon further listening, the alluringly complicated music begins to filter itself fully into your brain. Corgan's lyrics aren't for the perky among you -- angsty and introspective, while avoiding the trap of self-pity.It's difficult to find a musical flaw with the Pumpkins in "Siamese Dream." Corgan's high voice flitters between murmuring and wailing. Backing him up are James Iha's layered, whirling guitar riffs and Jimmy Chamberlain's controlled, fast drumming. Acoustic guitar also gets to shine at the start of "Disarm." What sounds like church bells is even used.Fiercely adventurious, brooding and expressive, "Siamese Dream" is a breathtaking ride into a majestic rock world all its own. Inventive and enticing, this is a modern classic."
Billy Corgan and His Way
Nathan Stradinger | Isabel, SD | 05/01/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)

"I have not been on the Smashing Pumpkins bandwagon for long. I missed the albums when they first hit; hell, the first song I heard by them was "Tonight, Tonight" from Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. Needless to say, I had some catching up to do. Thankfully, that catching up included listening to this album, which I now consider a seminal/pivotal/simply amazing point in rock history. Billy Corgan does away with pretension by twisting it into glorious rock anthems and beautiful alt-pop. The kicker is that, while people wrote them off as depressionists, almost every moment on this CD can be compared with euphoric joy. Even in moments of rage, the beauty of the music shines through. Straight-out rockers such as "Geek U.S.A." and "Quiet" are singular yet grand in their guitar riffs, creating a near-primal feeling. Softer numbers such as "Spaceboy", "Disarm", and "Mayonaise" cause reflection and introspection on the listener's part, creating a more balanced record. The true killers on this album, though, are "Today' and "Soma". The first is the most melodic alternative rock ever written, while the second is the most sobering alt-rock ever written. In closing, while the Pumpkins may not be sure who they are anymore, I'll always love them for who they were."
Pure shoegazer-alt bliss.
Shotgun Method | NY... No, not *that* NY | 02/13/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Although Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness was more ambitious and diverse, Siamese Dream is arguably the best album in the Smashing Pumpkins catalog.

In 1993, the Smashing Pumpkins were probably one of the most original bands of the alternative scene. With incredible soundscapes of guitar distortion, Billy Corgan's impassioned and ethereal vocals, and Jimmy Chamberlain's excellent drumming, these guys had a sound that was nothing like any alternative band of the time. Only My Bloody Valentine's Loveless (released in 1991) with its similar guitar-dominated sound could be considered as an influence, but Siamese Dream has its own distinct impact.

My, what a sound. Billy Corgan sounds better here than any other Pumpkins album--on later albums he sounded whiny; here he sounds obscure yet not overly shrill. The guitar playing is incredible (listen to the outro of Rocket) and the music grabs you by the collar and takes you in with its sweeping power.

Cherub Rock, with its slowly building opening leading to a bombastic arena rocker, is the perfect start to this album. After that, the double hit of Quiet and Today provides immense satisfaction. After Hummer and Rocket pass by leaving their audio imprint on you, the mood takes a sudden turn with the orchestral and haunting ballad Disarm which leads into the soft rock of Soma. The white-hot rage of Geek USA quickly rips through your ears before yielding to two more wonderful ballads--Mayonaise and Spaceboy. After that, the loud and powerful Silverf--k takes over. Finally, the album ends on a whisper with Sweet Sweet and Luna.

You won't be tempted to skip through a single track. Although future efforts were more ambitious, the Smashing Pumpkins never made an album this flawless again. You can't lose by adding this one to your collection.

..By the way, there's nothing really "explicit" about the lyrics. Even Silverf--k contains no profanity, except for the barely audible interludes."