I haven't even heard the record, but I have a point...
David Nicholas (davnich23@aol.com) | Kalamazoo, Michigan | 11/03/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"For a fan of Snapcase to be excited about a new cd with two new Snapcase songs is perfectly natural. What I find somewhat disheartening is the fact that someone who listens to "openminded" music ala Snapcase and presumably other hardcore groups would be sort of narrow-minded in dismissing a band like BoySetsFire as "some whiney emo band." As a fan of BoySetsFire for years I can attest to their dynamic songwriting style, whether it be through rocked-out screaming and plowing music or through emotional singing. The band attempts to make important statements with their music, both political and personal. They do not throw together a bunch of mindless "mosh" e-chord music that is so popular today, and neither does Snapcase. Both bands are good, yet they are completely different. Is it really that difficult to be able to recognize two different styles of music as being just as good as the other? I am going to buy this CD, and I am going to love the BoySetsFire songs, and chances are that I will enjoy the Snapcase tunes as well. What I will NOT do is come on this board and give a below-average rating to Snapcase because they aren't my favorite band. To do that would be to dismiss the importance of what both bands stand for- independent bands putting out powerful, beautiful music that is important to them and their fans. But that's just me....."
���absolutely incredible!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"the first time i heard this split i was in the car with a friend. i had loved snapcase for a while, but i was unfamiliar with boy sets fire(i had seen them a few times, but as an opening band so i didn't pay much attention to them). listening to this opened my eyes; i never really liked emo before. the boy sets fire song "unspoken request" literally gave me chills the very first time i heard it! this is an incredible cd, i promise you! snapcase is, as always, great(that just goes with out saying)! boy sets fire is spectacular! it's been now 3 months from the first time i heard this split, and i am FINALLY purchasing it(as my 4th boy sets fire cd mind you). i defiantly recommend this to anyone who feels passionately about political issues, or emotional issues for that matter(AND to anyone who's a snapcase fan). it's defiantly worth it. (and for all of the close-mided people who are bashing boy sets fire...read the lyrics, the you will realize why his voice sounds as it does...he's not whining...that's strong emotion)"