MUSIC FROM JOY, SORROW AND LONGING STARR PARODI RELEASES THE BREAKTHROUGH ALBUM "COMMON PLACES" Her new CD "Common Places" echoes with cinematic, neoclassical, Americana and gospel themes, all played as "stream of conci... more »ousness" improvisations. Continuing her multifaceted musical journey, Starr has returned to her touchstone and first love, the piano, for an intimate solo recording of spontaneous and uncommon improvisations on themes. Included in the collection of 10 songs is Starr's recording of a completely solo piano version of the classic James Bond Theme. This new version takes its inspiration from Parodi's earlier version of the theme arranged, produced and performed with her husband and production partner, featured on the gold-selling Capitol CD "The Best Of Bond ... James Bond" and heard in the trailers for "GoldenEye," "The World is Not Enough," "Tomorrow Never Dies" and "Die Another Day."« less
MUSIC FROM JOY, SORROW AND LONGING STARR PARODI RELEASES THE BREAKTHROUGH ALBUM "COMMON PLACES" Her new CD "Common Places" echoes with cinematic, neoclassical, Americana and gospel themes, all played as "stream of conciousness" improvisations. Continuing her multifaceted musical journey, Starr has returned to her touchstone and first love, the piano, for an intimate solo recording of spontaneous and uncommon improvisations on themes. Included in the collection of 10 songs is Starr's recording of a completely solo piano version of the classic James Bond Theme. This new version takes its inspiration from Parodi's earlier version of the theme arranged, produced and performed with her husband and production partner, featured on the gold-selling Capitol CD "The Best Of Bond ... James Bond" and heard in the trailers for "GoldenEye," "The World is Not Enough," "Tomorrow Never Dies" and "Die Another Day."
CD Reviews
Exquisitely breathtaking.
Anthony Keith Forkush | Los Angeles | 10/10/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I happened by accident (is there ever an accident?) to have the Soundscapes channel on my digital cable and one of the most beautiful pieces of music I have heard in years played. The song was called "Common Places" by an artist named Starr Parodi from the CD of the same name. I was instantly moved beyond words. In the past few months I have heard three musical statements that have touched my soul deeply: Mychael Danna's soundtrack to the film "Water", Maneesh De Moor's CD "Sadhana" with the incredibly haunting piano piece "Pure Essence", and as of tonight Starr Parodi's "Common Places". The emotion in Starr's playing reminds me of the depth of my late mother Barbara's piano playing. Memories of those I have loved and lost pour into me and I am touched by that longing (en Espanol "Anello")that reminds us of our eternality. Shades of George Winston, Bruce Hornsby, and Keith Jarrett.
What beauty! Thank you.
Om Sai Ram, Om Shanti Shanti Shanti."
Mood altering music
D. Clay | 05/11/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I recently heard several cuts from Starr Parodi's CD Common Places on "Echos", an NPR radio program that plays electronic and other types of Space music. It stood out because it was solo piano. But what really captured me, was Starr's musical style. Her music is captivating and haunting and will instantly transport you to another place, another time. Since there are no words, I recommend playing this CD as background music in the home, car, or office. It will calm you and take you on a journey. You will also notice re-occuring themes in the music, where familiarity will bring you full circle, back to a place you once were. Enjoy!"
Delightful & Ambient
Kim N. Tran | San Diego, CA | 09/18/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First and foremost, I can't explain to you how great it is to finally listen to a musician that knows her stuff!!! The more and more I listen to it, I became completely entranced, and amazed, especially with the way that she and producer Jeff Fair collaborated. Mrs. Parodi definitely knows her music, and I'm so glad that I bought this CD! Definitely worth the money!:P
Amazing musician and composer - we listen to this every sing
Mara Lopez | Los Angeles, CA | 09/16/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Listening to this album is a transcendent experience. It can take you to a very calm place within yourself, or take you back to the 70's. With this collection of songs Starr opens up her heart, so much so that I sometimes feel like I'm eavesdropping. I highly recommend this for anyone who appreciates evocative music. While the title may be "common," this music is anything but. I love this CD!"