Steve Hackett

CDs Steve Hackett performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (119)

2019 - At The Edge Of Light

2018 - Life Is A Journey The Budapest Live Tapes

Genre: Alternative Rock
2018 - Wuthering Nights Live in Birmingham

Genres: Pop, Rock
2017 - The Night Siren

2015 - Wolflight

2014 - Genesis Revisited Live at the Royal Albert Hall

2013 - Genesis Revisited Live at Hammersmith

2012 - Genesis Revisited II Limited

2012 - Genesis Revisited II

2011 - Beyond the Shrouded Horizon

2011 - Live Rails
2010 - Out of the Tunnel's Mouth
2010 - Out of the Tunnel's Mouth Special Edition
2008 - The Tokyo Tapes
2008 - Somewhere in South America
2008 - Hangarian Horizons
2008 - Archive Box
2008 - Genesis Revisited
2008 - Tribute
2008 - Wild Orchids
2008 - Wild Orchids
2008 - Somewhere in South America
2008 - Till We Have Faces
2008 - Live Archive 03
2008 - Darktown
2007 - Cured (Mlps)
2007 - Highly Strung (Mlps)
2007 - Paper Sleeve Box
2007 - Metamorpheus (Mlps)
2007 - Midsummer Nights Dream (Mlps)
2007 - Till We Have Faces
2007 - There Are Many Sides to Night (Mlps)
2007 - Bay of Kings
2007 - Dark Town
2007 - Momentum (Mlps)
2007 - Time Lapse-Live (Mlps)
2007 - Guitar Noir
2007 - Sketches of Satie (Mlps)
2007 - Feedback '86 (Mlps)
2007 - Blues with a Feeling
2007 - Highly Strung
2007 - Cured
2006 - Genesis Files
2006 - Wild Orchids (Spec)
2006 - Wild Orchids
2006 - Live Archive 83
2006 - Voyage of the Acolyte
2006 - Please Don't Touch
2006 - Spectral Mornings
2006 - Defector (Mlps)
2006 - Voyage of the Acolyte
2005 - Spectral Mornings
2005 - Voyage of the Acolyte
2005 - Defector
2005 - Voyage of the Acolyte (Remastered)
2005 - Please Don't Touch
2005 - Live Archive 05
2005 - Steve Hackett and the Underworld Orchestra Metamorpheus
2005 - Genesis Revisited (Reis)
2004 - Momentum
2004 - To Watch the Storms
2004 - Live Archive 70's
2004 - Live Archive 80's
2004 - Tokyo Tapes
2004 - Blues With a Feeling
2004 - Live Archive 90's
2004 - Guitar Noir
2004 - Guitar Wars (Bonus Dvd)
2004 - Genesis Revisited
2004 - Genesis Revisited
2004 - Defector
2003 - Somewhere in South America Live in Buenos Aires
2003 - Guitar Noir/There Are Many Sides to the Night
2003 - Hungarian Horizon Acoustic Live in Budapest
2003 - Tokyo Tapes
2003 - Momentum
2003 - To Watch the Storms
2003 - To Watch the Storms
2003 - Darktown
2003 - Blues with a Feeling
2003 - To Watch the Storms
2003 - Somewhere in South America
2003 - Midsummer Night's Dream
2002 - Till We Have Faces
2002 - Genesis-Hackett-Morricone-Satie-Vivaldi
2002 - Live Archive 70's 80's 90's
2002 - Dark Town
2002 - Time Lapse
2002 - Feedback 86
2002 - Genesis Files
2002 - Live Archive 70's 80's 90's
2001 - Live 70s/80s
2001 - Live 90s/Feedback
2001 - Time Lapse
2001 - Feedback 86
2001 - Bay of Kings
1999 - There Are Many Sides to the Night
1999 - Tokyo Tape
1997 - Watcher of the Skies Genesis Revisited
1997 - Genesis Revisited
1997 - Midsummer Night's Dream
1995 - Blues With a Feeling
1994 - Till We Have Faces
1994 - Bay of Kings
1994 - Momentum
1993 - Guitar Noir
1993 - Unauthorized Biography Anthology
1992 - Time Lapse-Greatest Hits Live
1992 - Please Dont Touch
1991 - Defector
1991 - Cured
1991 - Highly Strung
1991 - Please Don't Touch
1991 - Spectral Mornings
1991 - Voyage of the Acolyte
1990 - GTR
Genesis Revisited

CDs Steve Hackett helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (11)

2021 - Under A Mediterranean Sky (Ltd. CD Digipak)

Genre: Rock
2021 - Under A Mediterranean Sky

2020 - Selling England By The Pound Spectral Mornings Live At Hammersmith

Genre: Rock
2019 - Genesis Revisited Band Orchestra Live (2CD+DVD Edition)

2008 - Tribute

2008 - Tribute

2006 - Highly Strung

2004 - Bay of Kings

2004 - A Midsummer Night's Dream

2003 - Encuentro Sanz Santa Cruz

Musician Magazine's A Little on the CD Side Volume 16