Inquietante grabaci�n
Arturo Miranda Videgaray | MEXICO D.F., D.F. Mexico | 10/17/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Como siempre, Stockhausen sorprende con sus conceptos.
Excelente disco que muestra la bùsqueda en el campo musical.
Aunque yo esperaba algo màs: tal ves una mayor interacciòn de los helicòpteros con el resto de los elementos, con un tratamiento màs cercano a un instrumento musical, pues a pesar de que su presencia es patente los siento como un fondo, muy planos, sin grandes contrastes.
En ocaciones los colores y texturas de los violines se mezclan con los de los helicòpteros y las voces (eins, zwei, drei,usw) resultando una masa informe de sonido, perdiendo la valoraciòn tonal de cada uno de ellos.
¿Què faltò? no lo se, tal vez considerar a la màquina voladora con otra intenciòn y jugar con otras posibilidades (bloquear su sonido, matizarlo, graduarlo, jerarquizarlo).
Como sea, la grabaciòn bien vale la pena de escuchar varias veces para ir descubriendo sus cualidades.
The Sheer Pleasure of Stockhausen | Northern California | 05/29/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The enormous intellect that was Stockhausen tends to obscure the outcome that was his aim: to write music that was beautiful. In fact, he sought to move toward an age when we could all perceive every sound in creation as music.
This late work has become very popular among young people, much as his middle works influenced the Beatles. Its materials are simple, but he puts them together in such a way that they are entrancing. Nobody else has blended machine sounds so elegantly with classical musical sounds.
After all the discussion of his methods and his inspiration has finished, one is left with the music itself, which I do find beautiful. I can put this on and listen to it, or I can listen to it as background while I do the household chores. Either way it is intensely pleasurable listening; though frankly, it works best with a good stereo system.
The film that was made about it is a charming and worthwhile thing to see. Now that he is gone, we can no longer experience this strangely gentle visionary in person: but the film will at least give you a taste of him: different in old age from the sexy, arrogant auteur of his youth, he seemed to have evolved toward an almost Platonic plateau of Being.
How I wish i could see one of the operas!"