Currently Available CDs (2) | Currently Unavailable CDs (72)2008 - Free As A Bird 2008 - Crime of the Century (Mlps) 2008 - Paris (Mlps) 2008 - Brother Where You Bound (Mlps) 2008 - Free As a Bird (Mlps) 2008 - Crisis What Crisis (Mlps) 2008 - Even in the Quietest Moments (Mlps) 2008 - Breakfast in America (Mlps) 2008 - Supertramp 2008 - Famous Last Words (Mlps) 2008 - Very Best Of Supertramp 2007 - Even in the Quietest Moments 2007 - Concert Classics 2006 - Is Everybody Listening 2006 - Live 2005 - Anthology 2005 - Supertramp the Very Best of 2005 - Retrospectacle The Supertramp Anthology 2005 - Some Things Never Change 2004 - Inside Supertramp 1974-1978 An Independent Critical Review 2004 - Indelibly Stamped 2002 - Breakfast in America 2002 - Famous Last Words 2002 - Brother Where You Bound 2002 - Free As a Bird 2002 - Paris 2002 - Crime of the Century 2002 - Crisis What Crisis 2002 - Even in the Quietest Moments 2002 - Breakfast in America 2002 - Slow Motion 2002 - Is Everybody Listening 2002 - Is Everybody Listening 2001 - The Very Best of Supertramp 2001 - The Very Best Of Supertramp 2001 - Is Everybody Listening 2000 - The Very Best of Supertramp 2000 - Very Best of 1999 - Crisis What Crisis 1998 - Indelibly Stamped 1997 - Very BO 2 1997 - Indelibly Stamped 1997 - Supertramp 1997 - Some Things Never Change 1997 - Paris 1997 - Crime of the Century 1997 - Some Things Never Change 1994 - Indelibly Stamped 1990 - Crime of Century (MFSL Audiophile Original Master Recording) 1990 - Crisis What Crisis 1990 - Brother Where You Bound 1990 - Free As a Bird 1990 - Even in the Quietest Moments 1990 - Breakfast in America 1990 - Supertramp 1990 - Crime of the Century 1990 - Paris 1990 - Breakfast in America (MFSL Audiophile Original Master Recording) 1988 - Live 88 Brother Where You Bound Legends - Twilight Zone Time Life Various Artists The Autobiography of Supertramp