Tal Farlow/Ed Fuerst Sessions
Bill Corace | Levittown, NY United States | 05/18/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Tal Farlow's 1950's recordings are masterpieces of great ideas and great execution. His subtlety, sophistication, swing and drive make him one of the greatest jazz improvisers ever, regardless of instrument.
I first heard these recordings when they were issued on record in the 70's and they sound as great now as they did then.
I am also a guitarist, and I find it sad to believe that many young guitarists are not familiar with Tal's 1950's recordings. In the 70's most of his recordings were not available, and I had to chase them down. Young players do not have that excuse now. The material, such as this release, is available. The fact that I am the first one to review this release shows how unappreciated Tal is. Tal Lives!!!!!!"
Jazz guitar
. | Chicago, IL USA | 10/20/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Rather than get into specific apects of style, there was an overriding meaning when we beginning players would talk about 'jazz' guitar: Fast, clean, and complexly, seemingly unendingly, inventive. We loved it, but we couldn't completely 'get' it. As we became more adept ourselves, many still-admired players lost their 'jazz' status in that regard. We finally 'got' them. Tal Farlow is still -the- jazz guitarist. No one yet completely 'gets' him, except that he always makes perfect sense."
Tal Farlow Rocks
Stephen Gauthier | NO, LA | 09/10/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"An original vinyl recording was on Zanadu Records. The recordings were called "Fuerst Set" and "Second Set", recorded on a reel to reel in Ed Fuersts apartment in NYC. The recording quality was pretty shaky then, and these recordings do nothing to enhance the quality.
The problem is that these recordings are some of the best work the trio format did. (Vinny Burke; Eddie Costa). It truly was inspired work."