Amazon.comTechnomicon presents a thinking foundation for an existence based on yet-defined technical standards. An energy being wrapped in a biological body is the stuff of sci-fi; yet the human lifeform is alive and breathing. Strangely, each birth defies the laws of life-science. Such is the Riddle of Biology. Rogue philosopher Talessian posits that the superstructure supporting life on Earth is an existence-scale technology. With existence as a basis for human civilization, biology is a lie.Existence is the culmination of a sufficient amount of presence and awareness, and their net value provides the perception of a living organism. We can modulate and adjust these technical components to populate a reality and adjust these technical components to populate a reality with a myriad of existences: human, animals, trees, rocks and fish. Turns out, nature uses technical standards. A mother creates the biological body but she does not create the soul. The soul descends from above and incarnates in the body of flesh.Talessian's large-mind discusses the core modules to hold a technological existence, which have remained elusive for thousands of years, and the reality upon which we are hinged. Talessian is forthcoming in his vision of life as a technology, but his superscience cajoles us to reinterpret the nature of reality.Are you ready to experience an existence that has no end and no beginning? This is not a religious or spiritual debate. Technomicon recognizes that as reality unfolds so too must all existences, and humanity is at the point where a major programming upgrade is due. This is the point at which a new epoch is ushered in and the place where the human species becomes a technological product.