Search - The Birthday Massacre :: Walking with Strangers

Walking with Strangers
The Birthday Massacre
Walking with Strangers
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
  •  Track Listings (12) - Disc #1

The Birthday Massacre has become one of the best-known underground bands in music today, cultivating a musical identity that has set them apart from mainstream acts. This record, like both previous releases, encompasses a ...  more »


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CD Details

All Artists: The Birthday Massacre
Title: Walking with Strangers
Members Wishing: 5
Total Copies: 0
Label: Metropolis Records
Original Release Date: 1/1/2007
Re-Release Date: 9/11/2007
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
Style: Goth & Industrial
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
UPCs: 782388050524, 404256402272, 782388050562


Album Description
The Birthday Massacre has become one of the best-known underground bands in music today, cultivating a musical identity that has set them apart from mainstream acts. This record, like both previous releases, encompasses a wide range of influences and consists of melodic songs with unsettling lyrics; ominous music that suddenly becomes colorful and danceable; crushing guitars backing angelic vocals. Even their name is a contradiction. But there's a difference with this new record - their new found confidence and the energy of their much praised live shows has been captured with the renowned engineering help of Dave "Rave" Ogilvie.

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CD Reviews

One of the best albums of 2007
E. Anderson | 09/13/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)

"I first discovered The Birthday Massacre a few years ago on a Cleopatra Records compilation which featured their song "Video Kid". I was immediately hooked on the band's fusion of punk rock, new wave, and gothic music. Their second album VIOLET became one of my all time favorite albums. Who else could make music so addictively melodic without losing their street credibility? Just The Birthday Massacre.

WALKING WITH STRANGERS is the band's newest effort. The album picks up where VIOLET left off. While on VIOLET there were a couple of tracks that I really wasn't wild about, WALKING WITH STRANGERS is immaculate. I loved every song on the entire album. Every song is chockful of powerpop melodies that will make you want to get up and dance, and soaring vocals by Chibi. The production on the album is perfect. It is clean yet not overly polished. The integrity of the songs are left intact. There is a definite raw element in the band's sound through out the entire album. One of the standout tracks on the album is "Red Stars" which opens up with aggressive guitar riffs reminiscent of some of today's heavy metal bands. It kinda threw me off but Chibi's intoxicating, polished vocals tempers the guitars riffs and creates a nice balance. My other favorite songs includes the infectious "Weekend" and the haunting "Movie". When I first heard "Movie", I totally wasn't expecting to hear a ballad. The song had a nice atmospheric sound which sent chills down my spine.

WALKING WITH STRANGERS is forty-nine minutes long. It left me hungry for more but that is okay with me. The band is doing something right if they leave me wanting more than being bored or dissatisfied with an album that is too long. I rank this album as one of the top five albums of 2007, if not the top of my best of 2007 list. For TBM fans, the wait is over. This album is worth owning."
Going in a different direction
Casey P. | Vermont, USA | 09/20/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)

"I first got into TBM through their cover of "The Neverending Story", and immediately loved them because of how dreamy their music was. Their songs had an ethereal, magical sound to them. Chibi's voice was not overly prominent like in most bands, I loved how her words could barely be heard at times. It just added to the mysterious atmosphere that was created.

However, I feel like every time they remix one of their songs or put out something new, they're losing their touch. Their songs don't sound magical anymore. They've brought Chibi's voice more to the front, and all the instruments get lost in the background. Their music is not getting worse, just going in a different direction (which kind of disappoints me, I was completely smitten with their previous style).

Kill the Lights, Goodnight, Unfamiliar, and Red Stars all remind me of how TBM used to sound. They have a dark atmosphere and beautiful, climactic choruses. Unfamiliar and Red Stars are my favorite tracks on this album. Falling Down, Science, Remember Me, Looking Glass, and Weekend are going more in the generic rock direction. Science is easily the least memorable song on the album, it's absolutely boring. Parts of Looking Glass sound vaguely familiar, and I have a feeling they recycled parts of another song of theirs. Movie is completely different from all the other songs, it reminds me of an 80s ballad or something. I do like it, though.

Walking with Strangers and To Die For are my least favorite songs. Walking with Strangers just sounds weird coming from TBM, I have no idea why they titled the album after this song. And as for To Die For, I cannot tell you how much I HATE this version of it. The original was perfect. PERFECT. There was absolutely no reason to change it AT ALL. It lost all the personality and beauty it once had. What used to sound like humming now sounds like an impression of a wolf howling at the moon. I can appreciate that Chibi has changed the way she sings, but honestly, in this version she sounds tired of singing the words. I'm reminded of how they also ruined other perfect song of theirs, The Dream. First version was astonishing. New version (on Violet) was terrible. These are my two favorite TBM songs and it's extremely disappointing how much they've been editted for the worse.

I suppose it sounds like I'm bashing this album, but I don't mean to. It isn't a bad album, it's just different, which is a good thing for bands because if they always sounded the same they'd be boring. For me personally this is the one exception, because for years TBM was the absolutely perfect band in the universe in my eyes... and now they're changing, and becoming different from the band I loved. Ah well. Unfamiliar and Red Stars made it worth buying."
All I can say!
D. Keller | USA | 09/12/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Ok so picked up Violet a while ago thinking 'hmm...probably will end up being another want-to-be Evanescence.' Boy was I wrong! Since then, Violet has become the most played CD in my collection and my favorite by far. There is something so haunting and beautiful when Chibi sings those lyrics with the guys playing behind her.

However, Walking With Strangers has taken that title of 'favorite'. This CD is The Birthday Massacre perfection. Exactly what I had been hoping and waiting for in eager anticipation. What I enjoy the most is how each of TBM's songs flow into each other and they clearly know how to set up a disk. Over all they went with a slightly 'darker/deeper' sound (Chibi's vocals are in a deeper range) and it is awesome!

Kill The Lights- 10/10, this song is just lovely! It starts of slow and builds slowly into a one that makes you want to move with the music.

Goodnight- 10/10 Another great song...Chibi's voice is deeper in this song, very different in a good way :) I love the chorus.

Falling Down- 9/10 It's a good song, a great song, but not a particular favorite of mine.

Unfamiliar- 12/10 This is my FAVORITE song on the album, it is soft and sweet yet hard...sends shivers up and down my spine every time I hear it. I love it...can't wait to hear it live.

Red Stars- 10/10 Heard this one leaked by accident...blew me away. It is so different yet so TBM...must have replayed it a good 500 times before the CD released.

Looking Glass- 10/10 Another leaked track I heard is one of their more playful tunes. Bouncy yet still 'TBM' kind of dark...

Science- 10/10 Good song that continues the 'bouncy' side of TBM...

Remember Me- 10/10 Was surprised and ecstatic to find out the did remixes of two older songs, both favorites. This version is just as good as the old one.

To Die For- 11/10 My second favorite song, was my favorite before. This version is actually better than the original! It is deeper and heavier and makes the song better.

Walking With Strangers- 9/10 Another good song, not anything out of the ordinary for TBM. Chibi is a bit higher with her voice a few parts on this song, sounds like an 'older' song.

Weekend- 10/10 This one sounds like it should have been released back in the 80's. Yes I know TBM is full of 80's sound but this one in particular...sounds like it should be old :)

Movie- 10/10 A slow song, beautiful and Chibi is gorgeous here! Her voice just shines. A song you can feel every emotion as she takes you along through the journey.

Over all the CD is just perfect. I would recommend it to everyone and anyone. Forget Evanescence, they are mediocre at best (yes I do listen to Amy and her band btw) but if you want a great female fronted 'rock' band get The Birthday Massacre. They do not disappoint!
