If you've heard the debut album, you know what you're in for
nuske@uiuc.edu | Urbana IL, USA/ Cleveland OH, USA | 04/28/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This single is a prime slice of profane anti-folk. Adam Green and Kimya Dawson again display their minimalist songwriting ability. "County Fair" is a blast--1:30 of pure frantic fun. Definitely one of the best Moldy Peaches songs. "Rainbows" is a disjointed combination of several song ideas, but still ultimately enjoyable. If [dirty lyrics] are offputting to you, stay far away from this band. If you can enjoy it as part of the Moldy Peaches' deceptively juvenile appearance, then you will find the "county fair /rainbows" single to be an excellent addendum to the group's debut album"