Currently Available CDs (3) | Currently Unavailable CDs (62)2008 - Else 2008 - Here Come the 123s 2008 - Here Come The 123s (CD/DVD) 2007 - Else 2007 - The Else 2006 - Severe Tire Damage 2006 - TBS Tunes Fun Tracks Wisecracks 2005 - They Got Lost 2005 - Here Come the ABCs (CD/DVD Combo) 2005 - Users Guide to They Might Be Giants (Rpkg) 2005 - Here Come The ABCs 2004 - The Spine 2004 - Indestructible Object 2002 - Dial-A-Song 20 Years of (Dig) 2002 - Mink Car 2002 - Best of the Early Years 2002 - Live 2001 - Holidayland 2001 - Mink Car 2000 - Best of the Early Years 1999 - Live 1998 - Severe Tire Damage 1998 - Severe Tire Damage 1997 - Then The Earlier Years 1996 - Sexxy 1996 - Factory Showroom 1996 - John Henry 1994 - John Henry 1994 - Back to Skull / Snail Shell / Ondine 1993 - Why Does the Sun Shine / Jessica / Whirlpool / Spy 1993 - They Might Be Giants 1993 - Lincoln 1993 - Miscellaneous T 1993 - They'll Need a Crane 1993 - Hotel Detective (She Was A) 1993 - Don't Let's Start 1992 - Guitar / 3 Non-Lp Tracks 1992 - I Palindrome I 1992 - Miscellaneous T 1990 - Istanbul The Spine Surfs Alone Rare 1997 Restelss Records Catalog Sampler Doctor Worm Birdhouse In Your Soul Long Tall Weekend Then Now Live At Irving Plaza Feb 14th 17th 1997 Working Undercover For The Man Bar/None Sampler 2 Mink Car LIVE from STUDIO A2 Vol 2 -- A Benefit CD for the Michigan Theater The Guitar by They Might Be Giants (1992-07-30) Hello Family Santa Special