Search - Trapt :: Trapt

Genres: Pop, Rock, Metal
  •  Track Listings (11) - Disc #1

No Description Available No Track Information Available Media Type: CD Artist: TRAPT Title: TRAPT Street Release Date: 11/05/2002


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CD Details

All Artists: Trapt
Title: Trapt
Members Wishing: 0
Total Copies: 2
Label: Warner Bros / Wea
Release Date: 11/5/2002
Album Type: Enhanced, Explicit Lyrics
Genres: Pop, Rock, Metal
Style: Alternative Metal
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
UPC: 093624829621


Product Description
No Description Available
No Track Information Available
Media Type: CD
Artist: TRAPT
Title: TRAPT
Street Release Date: 11/05/2002

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CD Reviews

Cheri Taylor | 05/02/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)

"This was a great album an awsome debut from trapt. I first heard the song headstrong on TV and that song was awsome then i was whatching the rock channel then i saw a writeing saying that trapt debut was on the billboard chart for great album then i went to the store and brught the CD and listened to and it was hot a nice alternative/rock CD. So i enjoyed it and it was great from start to finish that was a great album."
I've tried for two years to like this album...
marinersrock07 | 05/10/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)

"To everyone on here who likes Trapt's music, I'm sorry. I bought this album about two years ago because I had always liked the tracks "Still Frame" and "Headstrong". THOSE tracks rock. Those songs have a great beat and I love the catchy choruses with the huge chorus buildups.

But to tell the truth, those songs sound so much better on the radio than they do on this album. When the listener is left with that impression, that's a bad sign. I can understand why many people on here like this album, it has some great catchy choruses with the fast-slow buildup in all of the tracks. The main problem is, as one reviewer on here has stated, lack of originality. Headstrong is the first track, meaning it whizzes by in five minutes and then it's gone. Then, the listener is left to sift through all of the extra music. And when I say "extra", I mean it that way, because it's obvious they frontloaded the album to try to hide the repetition of some of the later tracks. In many cases, lead singer Chris Brown's voice doesn't sound that inspired, just whiny, especially in the choruses. It's extremely hard to sit through all 53 minutes of this bloated album. I've heard their second album is much shorter, but on this album, they struggle compressing their music into a short, concise length.

I have tried extremely hard to like this album. Multiple times throughout the past two years I have tried to listen to this album over and over to try to get it to grow on me, but it's just extremely hard to get into. My advice to those considering buying this CD: I think this band has potential, but don't be deceived by the catchiness of "Headstrong"."