The Garden of Jane Delawney - Trees, Boshell, Bias
Lady Margaret - Trees, Traditional
Glasgerion - Trees, Traditional
She Moves Through the Fair - Trees, Traditional
Road - Trees, Boshell, Bias
Epitaph - Trees, Boshell, Bias
Snail's Lament - Trees, Boshell, Bias
UK reissue of the 1970 debut album for the British Folk act compared to Fairport Convention. Divided between traditional Folk covers ('The Great Silkie' is the best) and Tobias Boshell originals, Gardens Of Jane Delawney ... more »remains a fine album on par with Fairport Convention, Pentangle and Steeleye Span albums of the era. Oddly enough, main songwriter Boshell eventually joined Kiki Dee's band and wrote her biggest hit, the oft-covered 'I've Got The Music In Me'! Nine tracks including 'Nothing Special', 'Lady Margaret' and 'She Moved Through The Fair'. Sony/BMG.« less
UK reissue of the 1970 debut album for the British Folk act compared to Fairport Convention. Divided between traditional Folk covers ('The Great Silkie' is the best) and Tobias Boshell originals, Gardens Of Jane Delawney remains a fine album on par with Fairport Convention, Pentangle and Steeleye Span albums of the era. Oddly enough, main songwriter Boshell eventually joined Kiki Dee's band and wrote her biggest hit, the oft-covered 'I've Got The Music In Me'! Nine tracks including 'Nothing Special', 'Lady Margaret' and 'She Moved Through The Fair'. Sony/BMG.
"all the Trees material is amazing and should be checked out by anybody interested in British folk-rock. I just felt the need to counter the Jimmy Page-bashing by the other review here. The Bert Jansch song they refer to was called 'Blackwaterside' and the Led Zeppelin instrumental 'Black Mountainside' -- which was performed live as White Summer - does indeed seem to copy Jansch note for note. But not only was this years before the Trees recorded their own interpretation, the album credits are actually "Trad., arrangement by J.Page". And this is technically completely correct - it WAS a traditional tune, and the arrangement IS from Page. The fact that he borrowed huge musical phrases and much of the dynamics from Jansch only means he knew good music when he heard it. Page was actually very open about his taste for British folk-rock -- remember that Sandy Denny sang on Zeppelin IV -- and if Bert Jansch felt he had been unduly ripped off he could have taken legal action. In fact, I have played Jansch's Blackwaterside for dozens of people and thus opened up a whole new audience for HIM when they realized what an influence he was on Page. I think Jansch knew (and still knows) this and would probably THANK him for having borrowed so strongly from his work. He and Davy Graham certainly haven't starved as a result of Zeppelin's success."
Very nice Folk Rock album with a bit of "Psychedelia"
Strat_Lvr | 10/03/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Of the two albums by Trees, this, The Garden Of Jane Delawney, is more traditional sounding than their second album "On The Shore." It's not as hard rocking, much mellower, but still a brilliant album with some great lead guitar solos, and Celia Humphris vocals are just amazing, beautiful and incredible voice.
Their is one song on here that Jimmy Page stole the main guitar parts for, and then used it in the song he calls "White Summer," but it's actually taken from the traditional folk song "She Moves Through The Fair," which Davey Graham covered along with Bert Jansch, who was one of Page's acoustic influences. It's not a surprise that Page stole from that song as well as tons of others. He simply should not have got credit for being the writer of that song, and Led Zeppelin would also play "White Summer" live in concert. Their is even a website that describes how Jimmy Page & The Yardbirds ripped off other groups/artists of songs, and also Led Zeppelin.
The Garden of Jane Delawney is quite different in my opinion from their second album "On The Shore," but I still like and enjoy it very much, it definitely has it's moments, and I think the best thing about this album is some of the great guitar work, and of course, fantastic female vocals from Celia Humphris. But I think that "On The Shore" is a much better and stronger album, it's not as mellow as this, but this still is an excellent album and worth having. Glenn Signal Hill,CA USA"
Walk through the eerie trees
B. E Jackson | Pennsylvania | 02/07/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a pretty strange album. One way of looking at the music is like this- the music is very pretty, contains the English folk-rock style *exceptionally* well, and is just all-around really pleasant music.
But also, there's a heavy punch to some of these songs, such as "Lady Margaret", and the guitar playing is quite solid with a hint of blues among all the pretty instrumentation. The direction of the music can switch gears dramatically in some instances.
Sure, it sounds like Fairport Convention, but in some ways, this is actually better because of the choice of instruments. The female lead singer has a pretty voice, and the mystical vibe of the English folk-rock style is implimented nicely here. Worth owning."
A unique and special album.
C. Bailey | Washington D.C. | 11/02/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The music on this album is strangely gentle.
There is obvious musical, songwriting, and production talent between all of the members of the group (and producer), and yet there is a lot that the group seems to have yet to learn--which is actually intensely refreshing.
It's great to hear an obviously talented group in the stages of figuring out how to play together, sorting through their influences, and songwriting.
It's too bad this band has made only two albums. I would have loved to hear the outcome of their growth on subsequent albums!
By the way, the bonus tracks are great! :)"
Glad this is finally out again... | Bill Gates� backyard | 02/23/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"You are right-OTS is a FIVE star album...GOJD is 4 lacks the overall theme of drama that OTS has-and it is COLUMBIA that just put this out again in the UK-same label that had them in 1970! at least someone there has brains!"